McKayla Wilkes Says ‘It’s Time For A Damn Change’

It has been a little over a month witnessing a positive transition take place in the White House and it seems like America can breathe a little easier. However, the work is not done. State to state, city to city, improvements need to be made in our communities and we still need to have the appropriate people elected in office to represent us and advocate on our behalf. It’s important to be informed on who holds office in your city and other cities because our country should always strive to be on one accord, though we know that isn’t always quite the case. In the state of Maryland, a boss lady is advocating for some “damn change”. And yes, you need to know her.
Who Is Mckayla Wilkes?
Mckayla Wilkes is the woman with the vision. A vision for an improved Maryland, and a change in leadership, going up against her opponent who has been in office for 40 years, Steny Hoyer. You would think someone who has represented Maryland’s 5th Congressional District has earned their spot for all their time, but Mckayla Wilkes recognizes there are still lingering issues in the state that have yet to be resolved. Wilkes is fighting for Medicare-for-all, a Green New Deal, and real policy to protect black lives are just a few of the major changes she wants to see done in the state. “We still have the same person, who is serving his 20th term in office,” Wikes said in an interview. “We still need fundamental change. That’s why I decided to run again.”
This Isn’t Her First Political Rodeo
Wilkes is now running for Congress for the second time after losing to Hoyer in the 2020 race, but she did finish second out of the five candidates who ran. We have witnessed the greatness of women who may not have won the fight, but have indeed won the battle: Stacey Abrams to be exact. This upcoming race in 2022, Mckayla Wilkes is fired up, encouraged, and has been working diligently to bring her vision of a better Maryland into fruition.

What Has She Been Up To?
Following her 2020 campaign, Wilkes launched her nonprofit, Schools Not Jails, which aims to end the school-to-prison pipeline and invest in communities rather than using incarceration as a source of income.
Mckayla has been very open and honest about her experiences as a Maryland native and why her city should vote for her. In an interview with TeenVogue, Wilkes talks about being arrested as a youth because of truancy, nearly dying during her pregnancy and being denied health care, going without housing, and so many more unfortunate events that happen to majority of Americans every day in this country. “Change should happen from the bottom up,” Wilkes said.

Wilkes has also been passionate about pushing a Green New Deal which is simply a congressional resolution that organizes a plan for dealing with climate change. High paying jobs in clean energy industries are also a benefit of pushing the Green New Deal. Climate change is a growing issue in our country, but making the right steps to address climate change is where the real change can take place.
If you find yourself exhausted with the condition of our country and too believe it is time for some damn change, make sure you keep that same energy when it is time to elect the people in your city who should carry out those changes. If you are from Maryland or know someone from Maryland, be sure to spread the word about Mckayla Wilkes, and see for yourself a woman ready to deliver that change in the community we all deserve.