Meet Her Agenda’s Hartford Event Curator: Shay Lyn

Her Agenda has officially launched a local event curator program. We are looking for women who are in the know, to contribute to our database of events, conferences and panels focusing on their local communities. If you are interested in joining, or learning more, fill out this form.
Shay Lyn
Hartford, Connecticut

Drawing on her interest in people, culture and behavior, Shay Lyn graduated with a focus in Sociology and Women’s Studies. Shay is the definition of a millennial women who does not let anything slow her agenda; she’s found the time to juggle several jobs including her own “lifestyle guide” site, and now Her Agenda’s Hartford event curator position.
Read on and find out how all of these different aspects of Shay tie into her fervent life.
Her Agenda: Why did you decide to major in Sociology and Women’s Studies? How have they helped you in your career?
Shay: I actually majored in Sociology accidentally! I started out as a Social Work major but quickly found that the internship requirements just did not fit with my busy schedule. I worked two jobs to get through school, so doing twenty hours of internship per week was not a realistic option. I remembered taking a sociology class during my first semester in college that really forced me to think outside of myself and understand people better. This aided in my decision to switch majors.
Women’s Studies seemed like the perfect minor because I was already a woman, so I was ahead of the game! But seriously, that program also forced me to truly develop my critical thinking skills and prepped me for backing up all my opinions with well thought out ideas. Both of these areas of study shaped who I am professionally, as I work with many different populations. I believe they have made me more empathetic and have showed me that everything is not always black and white.
Her Agenda: What motivated you to apply to the event curator position?
Shay: I was excited to apply for the event curator position, so I could shed light on the positive events occurring in the Greater Hartford area. A lot of young adults here complain that there is not much to do; meanwhile, awesome opportunities are passing them by simply because they are unaware. I would love to be that resource that keeps everyone on top of the latest happenings in personal and professional development.
Her Agenda: Her Agenda’s motto is “no one ever slows her agenda”- what is your personal motto/mantra?
Shay: My personal motto is simply, “do what makes you happy”. When you are doing things you enjoy or things that you are passionate about, you will naturally give your all. When you have pride in what you do the energy and effort you’ll bring to the table is amazing.
Her Agenda: What inspired you to create your own website? (to check out Shay’s website, click here)
Shay: As the average working girl with plenty of expenses and student loans, I know that most fashion-focused platforms can be intimidating. I can’t afford the runway pieces from NYFW, but at the end of the day, I still want to look good and feel even better. No Luxe Lost is just the fruits of that mentality. Being at your best, whether it be in the realm of style, beauty or even your living space, does not have to be sacrificed on your journey to becoming established. I feel there are young women out there who can relate, so why not start the conversation?
Her Agenda: What makes Hartford, Connecticut a unique city?
Shay: Hartford is unique, because there is a current uprising of young entrepreneurs, business people, artists and innovators that are giving the city life again. The city is not perfect; signs of poverty and violence can be found right outside of Fortune 500 companies. Yet the people are resilient and are constantly striving to better themselves. We are not a hub city, yet the people here have a very strong pride for where they come from.
Her Agenda: Have you ever experienced an “aha” moment after leaving an event/panel or conference? What was that feeling like?
Shay: I once attended a conference on food insecurity. There was so much information shared on how people are going without food but also how communities are working together to combat this. The entire conference was an “aha” moment. On a personal level, it made me feel grateful for what I do have. On a professional level, it made me realize that there is so much work to be done, even just to give everyone the basic quality of life they deserve. People’s opinions often differ on politics, poverty and public assistance, but I feel that there is a standard of living that everyone should be entitled to. Going without food should never be the case for anyone.
Interested in becoming a local event curator? Fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch with more details.
Also, be sure to check out the events, panels, and conferences you need to add to your agenda in our calendar, here.