More Proof Beyonce Is The Ultimate Boss

Not only did Harvard Business School write a case about the business of being Beyonce, she’s now launching a never before seen partnership with Topshop.
While most celebrities enter licensing agreements with major brands when launching a line of clothing, or even launch their own small independent labels (you know, for more creative control) Beyonce has found a way to top it all. She’s entered into a 50-50 partnership for a line of athleisure clothing.
Not quite sure what all that means and why everyone is in awe? Well, Topshop’s owner Sir Philip Green explains, “This not a collaboration. This is about building a brand and building a business—a separate, proper business, with separate overhead and a separate office.”
The venture is formed officially under the name of Parkwood Topshop Athletic Ltd (however, the official name of the brand has yet to be revealed). This type of deal will be more lucrative than typical celebrity lines because of the partnership, with less overhead and headaches for the boss, aka Beyonce.
“I have always loved Topshop for their fashion credentials and forward thinking,” Beyoncé said.
Right now, Beyonce and Topshop are on the hunt for employees for the brand (including designers). What an exciting opportunity for a budding designer out there! The line is expected to hit stores in fall of 2015.