Millennial Entrepreneurs Share The Morning Office Routines That Keep Them Successful

As women in business, we all want to be the most successful versions of ourselves this year, right? And there’s a reason why so many successful women are intentional about how they start their day. We are officially back in the office space, whether at home or in a traditional space, and we asked a group of millennial business owners what morning routines they practiced in their offices to stay focused on success:

Brittany Wyche, 34, co-founder and owner of,a multimedia company in Detroit bridging the gap between the medical marijuana culture and the entertainment industry: “When I enter my space in the morning, I meditate and read my business affirmations. Then, I write down my goals for the day and try to activate my brain with ideas storm. This sets my work day off to a great start and helps me get my mindset adjusted to get focused and organized.”

Chandra Gore, 40, founder of Chandra Gore Consulting, a Stafford, Va. consulting firm: ”My morning routine starts with me lighting my favorite candle as my office lights gradually become brighter in increments of 15 minutes. This allows me to wake up my senses as I get settled in. I then set my intentions for my work day, check over my task lists, and adjust priorities if necessary.
“My routine has been very successful for me. It took some time but I was able to find what actions have helped me to have a more productive day. My routine has also kept me from becoming burnt out and feeling as if I have not accomplished anything for the day.”

Kirby Wilkerson, 38, founder of The Impact Kind, a PR firm whose clients have been featured in Parents, Forbes and Business Insider: “By 9 a.m., I enter my workspace. I usually don’t eat breakfast. After living in Shanghai for a few years, I drink tea instead. I will either make an earl grey tea or pick up a lavender vanilla chai from a local cafe after dropping my children off at the bus stop for school. My smooth morning routine wouldn’t be possible if the practice the night before weren’t performed with kids packing their backpacks and snacks in their lunches the night before or my husband pitching in to help make everything run smoothly. Success requires teamwork.”

Brittni Brown, 34, founder of Bee The Brand Agentand a board member at the Detroit Institute of Arts: “I light my 12th and Viv Detroit candle at my desk and put my phone on DND (the best iPhone feature ever) and get to it.”
“I turn on Soulection radio and vibe out to knock out my 8-hour day. I [often] switch from home to my physical office. It depends on meetings with clients or my work load that week.”

Lauren M. Woodson, 34, executive director of Detroit Fashion Community, beauty influencer, content creator, and realtor:“Once I am in the office, I reward myself with a coffee with oat milk creamer. Once I get my coffee, I create my priority lists. Priority lists are things that need to be done today. After that, I check all five of my email accounts and respond. Sometimes this results in a longer list due to adding priorities. From this point, I can start my work.”
“[My morning office routine] keeps me focused and helps me prioritize. I have noticed that I accomplish a lot more in a day than the average person. My routine helps me hit my goals in the most efficient way and in a timely manner.”