Setting Your Vision For 2017

On December 20th, author and motivational speaker Lucinda Cross joined subscribers of #theAgenda to share how to set goals intentionally for the new year.
Lucinda shared so many incredible nuggets of wisdom during our chat, but this gem in particular stood out the most:
“I want you all to use your grit in 2017. Act now and apologize later. Go after what you want; there is no time for fear when your legacy and future is at stake.”
If you’re interested in accessing the conversations in its entirety and more exclusive Her Agenda content, subscribe to #theAgenda today!

On the importance of self-care:
“Self care is first for me and a non-negotiable. I take time everyday to gather me. That may be in the form of taking a nap, going to a movie, a glass of wine, a midday walk or taking myself out to lunch or getting dolled-up for no reason. Starting your new year strong, write down what’s non-negotiable for you for 2017.”
On staying motivated when you lose momentum:
“Many times we lose momentum and inspiration in accomplishing a goal due to procrastination and perfectionism. That’s being a great starter and horrible finisher. Life is going to happen, situations and unexpected circumstances will arise. But finishing is what’s important. We have to keep pushing. Especially if you know the results will be a game changer. Most people are not frustrated enough with being mediocre. They find safety in starting and not finishing. The world needs more finishers who will move onward, upward and forward against the odds.”
On lessons learned, and stepping into your greatness:
“Show up, show out and show off. I was afraid to toot my own horn, i was afraid to consider myself the best at what God has called me to do and for many years i was hidden and was considered the “best kept secret”. I embrace today that only I can do what Lucinda does.”