The Best Ways To Use Mobile Technology To Inspire (CONTEST)

We all pretty much live on our phones these days. From ordering food, to sharing a photo about our day, to keeping in touch with our friends and family — our worlds are mobile.
But when it comes to getting inspiration and uplifting communities, is mobile technology becoming the go-to source?
At Her Agenda, we use our social media accounts to reach our readers where they are to help inspire and empower them throughout the day. Our Instagram is the main channel we use to communicate quotes and offer pieces of inspiration throughout the day.
In terms of career development and encouragement, major players at the top of their game in their industry typically use their social media accounts to share inspirational messages, quotes, and advice. When you scroll down your Instagram timeline in the the early morning hours, people like top stylist June Ambrose, PR maven Marvet Britto and are posting and sharing their inspirational thoughts for the day.
But beyond inspiration in your career, AT&T wants to bring the conversation about tech, and inspiration to your place of worship. AT&T partnered with Ebony Magazine to conduct a study that found more than 90% of survey respondents believe that mobile technology has a place in church.
Following the launch at Blogging While Brown last month, AT&T has rolle out a national conversation (#inspiredmobility) in addition to a series of resources and articles centered around how churches are using mobile technology in the sanctuary to inspire and uplift congregations beyond the pew. Some of the resources include things like tips on Do’s and Don’ts of using mobile devices in your place of worship.
Monica Britton, the Director of Communications & Special Projects at St. Paul Community Baptist Church says it’s a given to utilize mobile technology to reach the congregation in this day and age.
“It is 2014, everyone from the President of the United States, to every major corporation and savvy non-profits are in this space. Our online giving component has shown us the power of being mobile-enabled not just in weekly giving but in sales of our annual MAAFA Commemoration,” she said.
In the spirit of sharing inspiration and embracing mobile technology, we are giving away an iPad mini courtesy of our friends at AT&T.
To enter, you just need to like us on Facebook and recommend two people to our page, because we believe inspiration is contagious and social media is the best way to spread the love!
Click HERE to enter, and be sure to tweet us with the hashtag #inspiredmobility to share stories of how you use mobile tech to become inspired!

*This article is sponsored by AT&T. All opinions are independent to Her Agenda.