The Founder Of Cora Wants A Future With Strong, Healthy Women

On January 22nd, the Her Agenda Insider’s hosted Molly Hayward, Founder of Cora. Cora has revolutionized the feminine hygiene industry with their focus on providing menstrual care and education to women in need, and empowering women to rethink their periods.
Molly spent an hour chatting with Insiders about breaking down the barriers to talking about and advancing women’s health. The community asked questions about the current state of women’s health, mental health, and why she founded Cora.
Here’s one statement that resonated with many Her Agenda Insiders:
“Yet when we start to understand menstruation depth of significance to the female (and human) experience, and the way it is a common experience of women in every part of the world, it’s hard not to begin to feel our perceptions of it shift to something more positive and meaningful. At the very least we realize we’re not alone and that helps us to open up to one another.”
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On balancing “doing it all” and wellness:
“We all fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to other people or trying to do things to satisfy other people–at work, in relationships, in line at the coffee shop! We just need to STOP. The only person you need to please is your inner being.”
On the future of women’s health:
“In my ideal world, girls, from the time before they even being their cycles–would know how special they are, how perfect and amazing their bodies are, and that there is nothing about them that they should feel ashamed of. I hope mothers (and fathers!) feel strong enough to foster that in their daughters. I hope that we are celebrating some big wins in terms of access to safe and healthy period care for women here in the U.S. and around the world!”
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