The Vitamin College Students Are Missing The Most

Sleep is a necessity, not a luxury. That may sound obvious but many college students find that there is always something more to do before crawling into bed at night. Sleepless nights impact our memory, cognition, and motivation, which have a huge impact on your performance in and out of the classroom.
Jawbone released a recent study on thousands of students ages ranging from 18-22 from 100 different universities. The study found that the overall average nights sleep was 7 hours and three minutes during the weekday and 7 hours and 38 minutes on the weekends. Correlations have been found that students that attend harder schools go to bed later. It’s not because the institutions are hard, it’s because students who are smarter, have been linked to be night owls.

Start Your Day Off Right. Getting up at the same time everyday programs your body to get used to waking up at a set time which overall, makes you sleep tired in the morning. Eating right away, before classes, wakes you up and kills cravings throughout the day. Sleeping less can majorly mess up hunger cravings.
Stay Hydrated. Coffee is usually the first thing on the to do list when we wake up however, caffeine is dehydrating which causes tiredness and after awhile, you crash. Waking up and drinking cold water with lemon wakes up your system and hydrates you for the rest of the day.
Put Down The Phone. As college students, we escape to social media apps to get our minds off of the countless hours of work due. Yet, science studies show that the blue light transmitted off of your screen, tricks your brain into thinking that it is daytime, which alerts the brain to be more awake. Stop using your phone 30 minutes before bedtime and falling asleep will be easier.
The Art Of Napping. The national sleep foundation calls nap time a “mini vacation.” The luxury of knowing that you can escape during a stressful day is a delightful feeling. But, napping has more benefits than just zapping stress away. A nap can improve work ethic, creativity, and alertness. Then again, that doesn’t mean you should rely on napping to make up from your past night’s sleep!