The World Needs Women Leaders More Than Ever

Since the beginning of time, women have struggled to attain powerful positions in the workplace. Historically, male-dominated mentalities and other sexist transgressions have deterred women seeking leadership roles in many aspects of a business. Fortunately, that archaic view is changing — and it’s definitely for the betterment of society. However, there is still a lot of work to be done for women in leadership.
One report from The Rockefeller Foundation states that up to 88 percent of businesses believe women deserve more leadership roles. However, industries such as government and general businesses are slacking on providing these opportunities to women. It’s no surprise that a constant uphill battle contributes to the number of women suffering from professional burnout being on the rise.
Women In Leadership Roles Are Increasing
The Fortune 500 has been a credible metric for measuring commercial success. Currently, only 4.8 percent of those companies have a female CEO. While that is an “all-time record”, according to the article, it stands for improvement.
However, this disparity in numbers provides an opportunity. There is a vacuum in leadership and the gender disparity reflects this. If there was ever a time for women to fill leadership roles, it is now. Single digit numbers of the Fortune 500 need to quadruple. Fortifying business opportunities through education is a valuable tool that cannot be denied.
Women Are Better At Team Building
There is a lot of debate about women being natural nurturers. It may be true for some and less true for others. Gender politics about who can “take care” of people is fuzzy and it’s not okay to lay caretaking at the feet of womankind. However, women do seem to be natural team builders and have a smarter knack for knowing how to put people together that can yield great results.
One of the advantages of taking leadership programs for women is that it examines the positives and negatives of what being a Women leader entails. However, exposing the realities also reveals the inherent strengths of taking up the role.
Women Leaders Offer Fresh Perspectives
If there was ever a person to offer a fresh perspective and develop innovative business ideas, it was probably a woman. Women are used to being hindered by societal expectations that force them into stagnant sex roles. For the stale-minded, they may be surprised to find out that this helped generations of women to come up with new ideas about how to get things done.
This parlays perfectly into the business world. Most companies that stay on the traditional course of outdated thinking find themselves irrelevant. With a woman at the helm of a business, this is a lot less likely.
Despite this, there’s never been a better time for women to galvanize themselves and take charge of leadership roles in the workplace.
Are you a leader that’s ready to step up to the podium? This is the time to make it happen.
[Editor’s note: This article is produced by one of our trusted partners.]