Why It’s More Important Than Ever To Build Strong Relationships At Work

We all know your coworkers can really make or break your job. Even if you get stuck with a complainer co-worker, keep in mind there will still be times you’ll need to work together. It’s better to put in a little effort to keep things cordial so there won’t be an argument over something silly every morning.
Your good attitude will be a positive influence, and you may even make a friend out of them, too! Here are a few tips to ensure that you’re capitalizing on your work relationships.
Show genuine interest in getting to know your coworkers. Ask how their weekend was or what they’re reading for their book club this week. They have a life outside of work, too. Creating a culture of value within your workplace is one of the most important factors in being happy on the job, and you don’t have to wait for upper management to start that trend.
Be a friendly face. Helping out a stressed team member or showing the new girl around is the nice thing to do, but it also looks pretty great to your boss (not to mention the person you’re helping). Offer to go the extra mile when you can, but don’t turn into a doormat and ruin your own life by spending too much time on someone else’s.
Show appreciation for help you’ve received. Leave a nice note for the cleaning crew. Give genuine compliments. Tell your supervisor “thank you” when she explains that thing you’ve been puzzling over for days. Everyone likes to be thanked, and it’s just good manners to do so. You’ll find people are much more willing to help you if you are courteous enough to thank them for their time.
Seek out advice from people in your field, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Asking for assistance or insights from those more experienced than you is a great way to grow, both personally and professionally. It also shows the person that you are curious and trying to grow your knowledge, both of which are great things to see in an employee. Plus, if you hit it off, that person could become a mentor, but make sure it’s not a question easily answered elsewhere. You want to be respectful of their time and talents while demonstrating resourcefulness.