This Lifestyle Expert Wants You To Create Authentic Communities

On January 3rd, the Her Agenda Insider’s hosted Founder of LoveBrownSugar, BabyBrownSugar and BrownGirlsLove, Christina Brown. She founded LoveBrownSugar 10 years ago and created an empowerment space for women of color.
Christina Brown spent an hour chatting with Insiders on the power of creating community through curating experiences and the power of collaboration. Later, the community was able to ask questions about networking, and creating successful partnerships.
Here’s one statement that resonated with many Her Agenda Insiders:
“So what I hope to see, this year and beyond, is a return to authenticity. People being transparent about their journeys and using their platforms for good, and not just to make money.”
If you would like to access the conversation in its entirety, and more exclusive Her Agenda content, become a Her Agenda Insider today!
On the evolution of LoveBrownSugar:
“ It really quickly went from being about red carpet looks and celebrity sightings to being a personal memoir about how fashion and beauty healed me from my insecurities and self-confidence issues.”
On collaborating with others:
“You don’t know if they will understand the vision like you, spell it out for them and make it PLAIN. If they don’t get it, move onto someone who does. Because someone does.”
You can follow Christina on Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn! Also, make sure to follow BrownGirlsLove for the latest on what’s coming up in 2019 and beyond.
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