Three Signs That It Is Time To Relocate

The life you dream of is not always within close distance, but can instead be thousands of miles away. Due to numerous contributing factors, not everyone gets the immediate chance to live where they want to. Maybe you chose to move to your current city for a job or stayed where you grew up because you felt comfortable. Or, maybe you are a parent who needs to reside in a cheaper area to make help ends meet. No matter what brought you to your current location, if you are unhappy or feel that there is more for you, relocating may be your best (or better) option.
Here are three insights on determining if it is time to move:
You Have Been Thinking About It For A Long Time

Relocating is a major step to take in one’s life, and can often take a lot of reflection to be sure. If you have been thinking about it for nearly a year, it is a sign that you are wanting more. According to, you innately know when it is time to make the change and should not wait for any inspiration, just your gut. The article further suggests that you are ready to leave if you have no reason to stay or are constantly complaining about your environment.
Your Job Is Offering A Change In Location

If you love your job, but always wanted to live in another city, consider changing locations. According to a human resources representative at my job, many companies offer relocation assistance to help with the move once. Check to see if your benefits include equitable compensation adjustments which is given when the new location’s cost of living is higher than the employee’s current home base. According to Forbes, you should ask yourself twenty questions before relocating for a job. The study further suggests that you should impose, “Is the job one in which I can definitely envision myself learning and advancing my career?”
Your Passion Resides Elsewhere

Maybe you grew up in a small town but always dreamed of being an actress. Or, it’s possible that your goals have completely changed, and that is fine. As we grow older and evolve, what we love will change with us. Once you realize that your goals are not being reached, you should look for markets that they thrive in. For example, if you are pursuing a career in tech, aim to be in an area populated with tech companies or startups. One of my peers from college, who is from Kentucky, recently relocated to Atlanta and became the co-founder of a tech startup. If he never made the big move, he probably would not be working in his dream job, simply because there are not enough resources in his hometown. Research the best cities for your field, and how you can take your passion to the next level there.
My Friend Describes Her Relocation Journey:
“I can remember when I first decided to relocate. I was fresh out of grad school, decided to move back home, and was in the middle of my first actual job. Even though I got paid, was able to pay the few bills I had, I constantly thought about the life I felt I was missing out on. I knew there were bigger opportunities that awaited me. For the next few months, I researched jobs, conducted dozens of interviews, and took an offer that required me to start in two weeks. It’s been over a year and has been the best decision I have made. If you are young and without major responsibilities, take a chance on yourself and live the life you are playing on repeat in your head!”
Relocating is not easy and includes a lot of research, sacrifices, and possible uncertainty. However, life is too short to stay stuck. Keep in mind that location can determine your access to opportunities and the amount of money you may make. Relocation may be the best thing for you, especially if you are without major responsibilities. No matter what, begin to put yourself first and seek out a different environment.