Three Ways To Manage Your Time Better

Time flies and now more than ever is the most important time to be utilizing it to your best ability. Timeliness not only helps you achieve more in a day but is a great quality to have as a budding professional. If you ever feel yourself running out of time or simply not having enough read the tips below to help you make the most out of your time.
1. Set More Than 1 Alarm
Setting an alarm (or a few) in the morning to make sure you wake up is a great way to start the day but why stop there? Set an alarm and use it as a reminder for you to do the things on your daily to do list. Set one reminding you to do things like study or exercise. It keeps helps with utilizing your time wisely and keeps you up to date on what you need to accomplish throughout the day. While you’re at work or school, set the ringer to vibrate to make to make it a friendlier reminder.
2. Arrive Early
There is nothing worse than something unsuspected happening that could cause you to be tardy. Traffic, misplacement of your keys, or just bad luck. It’s always best to arrive at least 20 minutes early when you are going somewhere new, especially for things like job interviews. It looks great to future employers and gives you time to arrive to your destination, relax and take in your surroundings. Arriving with little time to do so could leave you frantic and nervous. Make your day smoother and arrive early.
3. Don’t Make Excuses
A full schedule can be extremely time consuming. Juggling how to make sure every task gets done is something that could easily be blamed on a crazy schedule. However making excuses for your not so good time management skills only enables it. Almost everyone is busy now a days having a busy schedule is no longer a valid excuse to bad time management.