Top 5 Reasons You Need a Plan
Lenore Champagne Beirne and her co-founder Ro Reddick created a project design tool for visionaries. Inspired by a mutual desire to help big thinkers bring their ideas into the world, the notebook draws out your brainstorming process so that you identify all of the reasons this project is truly important before jumping into action. Then, it takes you through creating a detailed action plan – something a lot of creatives tend to skip. Finally, there are built-in reconnection points. They need your help to make this a reality.
Below, Lenore who is a a leadership coach and a VC investor shares the top five reasons it’s important to have a plan:
1. It can actually help you dream bigger.
If you’re a dreamer, it might feel like planning slows you down. But if you can get into the habit of putting your ideas to paper, you’ll likely find that it actually accelerates you. Imagine fewer “wait…now what?” moments. It’s a small investment now for time (and sanity) savings later.
If you’re already a planner, the trick is to shake up the predictable mindset you may fall into by setting what feels like a very lofty goal at first. Aim for something that will stretch you – you may surprise yourself with a creative solution for how to get there.
2. So you have a way to see that you’re off track.
A lot of people avoid planning because they feel it adds pressure. But there’s a real benefit to knowing and acknowledging when you’re not where you want to be. In fact, it’s the only way to close the gap.
3. So you have a way to see that you’re on track
Equally valuable is having a reason to celebrate when you are where you want to be, and when you’ve kept your commitments to yourself and your work. You know that beautiful feeling when you cross something off your to-do list? Imagine being able to see that you were making measurable progress like that every day.
4. So you know when to ask for help
Planning ahead helps you identify the things you don’t have the resources to do, or don’t know how to do. Why allow yourself to be surprised by those things later? Create your plan, and when you come across areas that might slow you down, be pro-active in seeking support.
5. So you don’t short-change yourself
If something is important to you, it’s worth doing. Sometimes we avoid taking on the challenges that would be most satisfying to achieve because they are also the scariest to embark on. Having a plan is a way to honor what you truly care about, and give yourself and your work a chance to thrive.
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Post a photo with hashtag #LittleBrightHerAgenda with the response to this question:
What’s the biggest obstacle you face when creating a plan of action to achieve your goals?
- Post a photo and answer the prompt in your caption.
- Tag and follow Her Agenda and Little Bright Book on Instagram.
- Deadline: Thursday April 28th, 7pm.
- Winner selection Friday April 29th.