15 Affirmations For Transitioning Into A New Career Season

No one’s career stays stagnant for long. Even when work feels unbearably dull or frustrating, change is always on the horizon. And while we may blab on and on to our coworkers and friends about how we want a “challenge,” when that career transition actually comes knocking, we get a little freaked out.

It’s OK (and totally human, by the way) to be scared of the unknown. No amount of education, training and self-help books can completely prepare you for a big shift. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do to ease the transition.
Affirmations are a simple yet powerful way to prime your mind for success. By repeating positive statements about yourself and your abilities, you can condition your brain to think more confidently, proactively, and constructively. And maybe quiet that inner critic who’s keeping you down. We don’t need her anyway.
Whether you’re starting a new job or desperately trying to figure out why your motivation went AWOL, the following affirmations can give you the mental push you need to get going.
When You’re Changing Places
Leaving a familiar workplace (even if it was toxic) for something new is scary. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into until you’re already in it. So until then, repeat the following to ease your mind:
- My fears don’t govern my decisions.
- Obstacles are just opportunities to learn.
- I’m excited to see what this new chapter brings.
When You’re Taking On A Leadership Role
Being a boss means more than just delegating tasks and issuing orders. Great leaders are also great communicators, motivators, and relationship-builders. If you’re feeling the weight of this new responsibility, remind yourself:
- I’m capable of handling anything that comes my way.
- I’m becoming the boss I wish I had.
- I’m a great leader because I lead by example.
When You’re Stuck In A Rut

If your career has hit a major snag and you can’t see a way out, it’s easy to feel defeated. But don’t give up just yet. These affirmations will help you stay afloat and keep your head above water until things start looking up again:
- Opportunities always present themselves to those who are looking.
- There are so many things to love about my current role.
- I’m exactly where I need to be, doing exactly what I need to do.
When You’re Not Feeling Motivated
It’s hard to show up and do your best work when you’re just not feeling it. But instead of calling in sick or scrolling through social media all day, try repeating these affirmations to get your butt in gear:
- I can find things to be passionate about in any situation.
- I always find ways to make positive contributions to the world.
- My joy comes from being of service to others.
When You Want A Little More Confidence
A little extra confidence can go a long way, especially when you’re feeling unsure of yourself. If you need a quick mental pick-me-up, try repeating these affirmations:
- I always show up as my best self.
- Everything happens for me, not to me.
- I am confident and deserving of success.
No one said career transitions were easy. But by preparing your mind with positive affirmations, you can ease the anxiety that comes with change and set yourself up for success. So repeat after me: I am capable, I am excited, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.