What Does Having It All Mean For Women Today

Meet Christine Hassler.
Christine Hassler is a well known Life Coach, Professional Speaker and Author. Hassler as appeared as a “twenty something“expert on The Today Show, CNN, ABC, CBS, ABC, CBS, FOX, E!, Style and PBS. Traveling to many college campuses around America, Hassler has dedicated her life to helping 20- something seeking life direction. Hassler unique perspective in the Huffington Post, The Myth of Having it All has truly helped young women with understanding what “having it all” truly means for this generation.
What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it having a successful career, a great relationship, an amazing family, or all of the above?
Every generation seems to bring a new definition. In this time period, the concept of “having it all” has never seemed so achievable. The key to “having it all is freedom of choice, balance and prioritizing.”
“Having it all” for women today can easily be defined as freedom of choice. More than ever before, women have the freedom to set their own goals and move towards achieving them. In past generations women didn’t have all the great opportunities women have today. It is the freedom of choice that really set women apart in this generation.
“Having it all” can easily be achieved with balance. Setting goals and agendas help to create personal definitions that promote happiness and success. Taking on too much responsibility can result in tons of stress.”Instead of giving us a tremendous amount of freedom and opportunity, this concept of having it all has morphed into something that excuses putting so much on our plates that we are stressed out, burned out and running out of time for ourselves (and our loved ones) every single day,” said Hassler in the Huffington Post.
It is easy to believe that “having it all” is a synonym for “doing it all” when achieving goals. Let’s be honest, we all know someone who is burnt out and stressed from all the pressures of trying to be superwoman. It is very difficult to be 100% when stretching yourself thin. It is important to remember that “having it all” is being able to prioritize and only take on only what is possible to handle.

“Women at a very young age are being sold a bill of goods that what they do defines them and doing EVERYTHING they possibly can while sacrificing their peace of mind and overall well-being will create success in their lives. ” said Hassler in the Huffington Post.
In this spirit of this new freedom, it’s also important to remember that everyone has their own definition and as women we shouldn’t force our opinions on someone else. “Being our all as women is honoring the choices and roles women play as mothers, wives, caretakers, CEOs, politicians, military personnel, doctors, teachers and so on without making any of those choices and roles better than another,”said Hassler in the Huffington Post.
When Christine Hassler was asked to give HerAgenda readers special advice for sticking to personal agendas without becoming overwhelmed, Hassler answered with “STAY PRESENT and focus on making one small step not a huge leap to a far away goal. Anxiety only exists when we are thinking of the future and overwhelmed comes from thinking about too many big things instead of one little thing at a time.”
This is truly the generation where women have the opportunity to make their own choices. It’s in that freedom that women find balance and the importance of prioritizing. No matter the choice, it is important to pick your own agenda and move towards it.
As women, we have the opportunity to “have it all,” as long as we never let anyone slow our agenda…even ourselves.
For more information on Christine Hassler visit christinehassler.com.