Why Millennial Women Must Continue To Fight On Issues That Matter

On December 1st, founding director of the Community Justice Reform Coalition Amber Goodwin joined subscribers of #theAgenda to discuss why it is so important for millennial women to make their voices heard on civil rights, justice and political issues.
Amber shared a number of tweetable gems, but below we’ve captured just a few you should keep at the top of mind. If you would like access to the full conversation with Amber, click here to subscribe to #theAgenda today!

On ways that millennial women can get involved within their communities:
Millennial women neeed to figure out ways to be a strategic “accomplices” in fighting for rights of these communities. I specifically didn’t say “allies” because at this point we don’t need people just agreeing with us, we need people to fight with and for us every step of the way. Our communities, our bodies, our families—are all under attack. Millennial women did a fantastic job organizing and showing up at the polls- especially Black women when you look at the data of how the electorate voted. I think you all should continue to fight every day for issues that will always be important to our survival: rights to our own bodies, equal pay, freedom to marry who our hearts want to, and access to all the freedoms that America has promised us it could be.
On the biggest lessons she’s learned in her career:
First lesson is that I am going to screw up a lot and that’s okay. I have also learned that having my girls — [the] “A Team” (that’s what I call them) — that I can depend on, especially in politics is important. Without having my friends that have my back, support me, and vouch for me I would have quit a long time ago. I have also learned that honesty is the best policy- and sometimes that hurts but its always going to win in the end. I have learned that I need to laugh at myself on a daily basis and don’t want to find a time in my life that I can’t do that. Life is a fun and exciting ride you only get to do once.
To learn more about Amber and her work with the Community Justice Reform Coalition, follow them on Twitter. For direct access to incredible chats like this and exclusive content, job opportunities and career resources along ith a supportive tribe click here to subscribe to #theAgenda today!