Who You Decide To Follow On Social Media Can Change Your Life

A simple follow on Twitter or Instagram can change your life.
You may never expect to really connect with someone online that you’ve never met and have them support your vision, but it’s possible, and it happens more often than you think.
Over the course of years, I’ve realized that some people who shout out “I have your back” or “you know I’m always here for you” are never true to their words. I used to question myself thinking to myself ‘is there something I’m doing wrong? Should I change my ways to fit in? And the answer is NO. It may sound harsh but there are people who just don’t fit into the lifestyle I’m trying to obtain.
Before landing my internship with Her Agenda I searched for a variety of women empowerment brands to follow on Twitter. Some of these brands included #GirlBoss and HERmovement. My goal wasn’t to follow these brands to “land an opportunity,” but to follow people who have the ability to think positively to bring about a change. Being apart of HERmovement chats, I was fortunate to connect with some amazing individuals and get a peek inside the agendas of some true boss ladies.
These are people I have never encountered in a a face-to-face interaction but are rooting for me, perhaps even more than my real-life friends. No I can’t go shopping with them to the mall or watch the latest episode of Scandal on Netflix, but I can always ask for advice and build a relationship that motivates me on my journey.
The minute I log onto Twitter in the morning I’m entering another world where people have the same desires and wants. This same platform has brought me to connecting with Rhonesha Byng, the founder of Her Agenda and landing an internship from New York. Every week, I am able to get a peek inside of her lifestyle and by that alone, I am in awe of her resilience to achieve her dreams despite the odds she’s persevered. Working with her and Her Agenda motivates me to push myself and not be afraid of losses – because they prepare me on my path to becoming a winner.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my friends and I’m proud of how they are molding themselves into becoming who they are destined to be. But when the support is not reciprocated this can make me feel alone in a supportive relationship. Sometimes I don’t want to viewed as vulnerable or show any signs of weakness, but it’s all apart of recognizing what’s holding me back and making the necessary changes.
Hanging on to what I don’t need will slow me down. It’s never easy leaving today’s troubles behind but I know it will come with a change. My reward will be making space for new changes in my life and creating a place for healthy relationships to flourish.