Why Wait for Opportunity? 5 Steps to Create Your Own

If you’re looking for a magical potion that will make you successful in whatever you attempt (for a limited time)—then look no further! Felix Felicis only takes 6 months to brew—and sadly exists only in the Harry Potter world.
Here’s what the Harry Potter Wiki has to say about this “Liquid Luck” potion:
Felix Felicis causes the drinker to have a limited period of good luck, during which they are likely to succeed in all endeavors in which success is possible. They have a strong perception of this effect, including a high level of confidence and a “sensation of infinite opportunity.” This is accomplished not through direct application of force or granting the drinker any extraordinary powers, but by inspiring the drinker with a favorable pathway through the circumstances.
The key phrases here are “strong perception of [success],” “high level of confidence,” and “inspiring the drinker with a favorable pathway [to success].”
So, while we can’t make ourselves lucky using a magical potion, we can learn something from its effects: if Felix Felicis brings out the best in a magical user, how can we do the same in our daily, muggle lives? In other words, how can we make ourselves lucky and open the doors to new opportunities?
1. Be Tenacious
Ralph Waldo Emerson says it best: “Good luck is another name for tenacity of purpose.” What does this mean? In order to create opportunity, you need to be persistent in pursuing what you want. Figure out what your purpose is in your personal and professional life, and take action! Even if you experience setbacks and failure, do not let it deter you. They say when one door closes, another opens. Sometimes, you just need to be persistent in finding those open doors.
2. Find your Niche & Become the Expert
Find something that interests you, learn everything you can about it, and pursue it! A little over a year ago, I realized that I wanted to be a product manager; but, I also knew that I didn’t have the skill set to be hired for that role. So, after a year of pursuing internships, consulting work, and hackathons (I even learned to code!)—I finally landed that product manager role.
Once you find your niche, work to become the go-to-person for information in your field. Being an authority figure will put you in a position of influence and power. If you properly self-promote yourself, then even more opportunities will flow in!
3. Network!
Do you dream of becoming a recognizable figure in your industry? In order to do that, you need to start engaging with people working in your (desired) area of expertise. You can go to industry events or blog online—just do something that will get you noticed and create an opportunity to learn from others in your field.
PS – You can check out awesome events in your local area right here on Her Agenda.
4. Confidence is Key
In The Sound of Music, before Fräulein Maria goes to the villa of Captain Georg von Trapp to be his children’s governess, she sings a song about overcoming her doubts and showing the Captain and children her self-confidence, so that they know to (confidently) rely on her. Key learning here: if you want people to trust your skills, then you need to show your confidence in them! People won’t come to you with opportunities if you don’t look confident enough to take advantage of them.
5. Know Your Limits
Let’s face it—you can’t do everything yourself. Part of being successful is not only building your strengths, but also understanding your weaknesses. When pursuing your own opportunities, understand what your limitations are and how you plan to work around them!
In the end, what’s important is understanding your goals and putting yourself on a path that will help you reach them.
Why wait for opportunities to come to you, when you can create them by yourself?