Why You Should Always Look Your Best

Each and every day we make choices that influence how we feel as well as how others perceive us. These choices are sometimes based upon our moods. The way we feel is very fragile. The people we surround ourselves with, the food we eat, and certain special occasions can affect our mood. According to the Journal of Experimental Psychology, the way we dress is one of the choices we make to how we communicate ourselves nonverbally to our surroundings.
Whether it’s your favorite pair of jean that makes your legs look good or that reliable comfy pair of pants you know can bare wearing for at least 8 hours of the day — how do you feel in your clothes, how about your accessories? Are these fashion pieces just something you wear for the day or because you believe they represent the best you?
As I was packing up for my trip overseas, I’ve realized how many “special occasion” clothes I bought but never wore. I’ve always saved these for those “special occasion days” — never knowing when those events would even happen. I recalled a video by Mimi Ikonn about, “Why you should always dress your best.” Looking through each piece of clothing, I had an epiphany, “Going on this trip is a special occasion!” So I packed up a few of my “special occasion” pieces to wear during my trip. As I adventured in a new city, I never looked and felt better.
“I think it’s important to look your best because it improves your confidence level and the way you feel. If you’re looking your best, you will also feel your best which will improve your productivity and boost other essential skills. Also, this is a way for people to display their personalities and interests,” stated Nina Pilár, creative director of NinaPilár000. “I decided to get into fashion because clothing has allowed me grow into the person I have become and allowed me to outwardly express who I am. I want to spread this message to other people, and exhibit how style can be an important piece of who we are.”
It’s important to look your best for a few reasons: expression and creativity; and presentation and confidence. For expression and creativity, this is subjective matter as everyone has their own taste in fashion. It’s important for individuals to express their own creativity through clothes and accessories.
According to a study at the University of Hertfordshire in 2012, Dr. Karen Pine studied and examined the connection between women’s emotional states and what they wore. “Many of the women felt they could alter their mood by changing what they wore.” The highlights the factors of how expressions can effect our mood for the day with what they wore.
“For me, style is a way of self expression, it’s very personal and selective. I dress up and play with style because it makes me feel good. I can be whatever I want through the way of art, style and makeup. It’s all art and I look at it in that way,” explains Raquel Sanchez, a creative marketer and fashionista. “Piecing puzzles of wardrobe together is fun and it feels good to be praised for something you created.”
When you wear an outfit that is truly you, full of your favorite or best pieces you are expressing who you are, and when you are you that is when you look and feel your best.
Feeling and looking great in those pair of jeans? Your hairstyle looking flawless? Where is everyone?!
This brings the transitions to the way we present ourselves to others. We always want to look our best to feel comfortable and confident to others. Of course, bring forth our inner confidence through outfits. So why not focus on buying or creating pieces that help us bring out our best comfortable selves!?
According to Mic, our clothes do impact our moods and our decisions for the day towards ourselves and others. Bringing forward our best and confident selves towards a new face we’re meeting or even causing a first impression to our surroundings. You’ll never know when the unexpected will occur, so best practice to be ready when it does happen. At work, if there’s a surprise client meeting or when you’re outside at the market, you spot your old classmate —for sure you’ll want to bring forth your best awesome self.
Now, time to break out your best blouse, favorite jeans and comfortable shoes. Even if it’s your best sweatpants, feeling great is what will make you, you.