Try These Quick Work Routine Tweaks To Prioritize Your Wellness

When you take care of yourself, you can take better care of the people around you and the priorities on your plate. This is especially true for busy women in the workplace.
According to a recent study from the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, leaders who prioritized personal self-care reported more staff care than those low on self-care. Accordingly, their employees reported lower strain and better health. But, how can busy women professionals make time to improve their wellness in the hustle of a workday?

Long work hours and constant demands often push personal health and wellness to the bottom of the priority list. However, self-care doesn’t have to be time-consuming to be effective. Incorporating quick wellness activities into your daily routine—whether during a 10-minute break or between meetings—can make a significant difference in how you feel and function.
Prioritizing wellness in small doses can be a game-changer. These quick wellness tips aren’t just about managing stress—they’re about thriving in your busy life without sacrificing your well-being. Here are five quick tips to improve your wellness today.
1. Try a Wim Hof breathing practice.
Meditation isn’t for everybody. To some, it may feel extremely time-consuming while others have trouble sitting still and clearing their mind. That’s why trying a breathing exercise – like Wim Hof – is one of our favorite quick wellness tips you can try in between meetings.
The Wim Hof method combines controlled breathing with a focus on oxygenating the body. The best part is that it takes all of 10 minutes to do! 87% of participants in a study of the Wim Hof breathing method from Frontiers and Sports in Active Living reported improved breathing, less fatigue, and increased energy levels.
2. Declutter your workspace for mental clarity.
There’s a reason we feel more at peace when our space is tidy. You may keep up with cleaning your home, but how is your workspace looking lately?
The Journal of Neuroscience reported that multiple stimuli present in the same visual field compete for neural representation. Meaning, when you have multiple things to look at in your field of vision – your brain can’t fully process everything at once.

A cluttered workspace can overwhelm your mind, reducing focus and productivity. By decluttering your workspace, you’re not only creating a more organized environment but also allowing your brain to concentrate better on the task at hand, boosting efficiency and lowering stress levels.
3. Stock up on quick, healthy snacks.
It’s no secret that staying nourished with healthy foods is essential for personal wellness. Unfortunately, nutrition can go out the window when we have a busy work day. That’s when we tend to go for the extra cup of sugary coffee, breakroom donut, or sodium-loaded takeout food.
Preparation is half the battle. If you’re not one for meal-prepping, stock up your workspace with quick, healthy snacks that you can easily grab on a busy day. Having nutritious options on hand, like nuts, fruit, or beef jerky, can keep your energy levels stable and your mind sharp. Plus, it can help avoid that midday energy crash!
4. Schedule walking meetings.
Get out of your seat and get those steps in! Walking meetings are a fantastic way to incorporate quick wellness into your day while still getting things done.
A study conducted by the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine found that walking meetings boost physical activity and can positively affect mood levels. Participants who swapped a traditional seated meeting for a walking one showed improved productivity, with fewer work hours missed due to health reasons and less impairment while working.
By turning one meeting a week into a walking one, you can break up the monotony of sitting all day. Plus, with the added benefit of improved health and productivity, it’s a win-win for both your well-being and your work!