Your Ultimate Guide For College Decision Day

May 1st is National College Decision Day. An often overwhelming time when seniors all over the country decide what college or university they will be attending for the next four years. This choice can be overwhelming and frustrating but there are some strategies to help you choose the next journey you’ll be embarking on.
The Questions You Need To Be Asking
1. What environment helps me flourish academically? Do I want a big classroom with 300+ students or would I rather have a classroom with only 30 students?
2. What college grants me financial aid?
3. Is this where I want to go or where my friends and family want me to go?
4. Where do I want to attend college?
5. Does it have a town near by? Will I be happy at a school in a rural, quiet area?
6. Do I want to commute or live on campus?
7. How are the living accommodations?
Tips To Reach Your Decision
Visit the campus. Visiting different schools that you are looking at can give you a much better sense of the campus than any website could. It is important to see what the campus is like. The dining hall, residence halls, and quad should be important to see before choosing the school you want to attend. These elements can play a huge role in your decision.
Don’t take rejection too hard. It is not easy to be rejected from a school you have been wanting to go to for awhile. However, there is no sense in dwelling on the letter. There is always a different alternative to choose. The sadness of rejection can hinder your process of choosing the school that is meant for you!
Talk it out. Going to college is your decision. However, in most cases your parents will be helping to pay for it, if not helping you with your loans. It is important to compromise as college tuition can be a huge burden on families. Going to a school that works for a families budget is key when choosing a school. It is more important to go to a budget friendly school than be in student-loan debt for years after college.
Social life. Social life is a big reason some students apply to specific schools. If you do not see yourself being in a sorority, that should already narrow your list down. There are a lot of schools with a sorority lifestyle but there are also a lot of schools that don’t have any or few sororities.