How This Woman Put Her Life Back Together After Getting Run Over By A Truck

We’ve all said at some point, “I feel like I’ve been run over by a truck.” A twenty-four-year-old named Katie McKenna was, and she survived.
Eight years ago, while Katie was riding her bicycle, she was run over by an 18-wheel-truck. Close to death and severely injured, her chances to walk again were very slim. Her injuries included a fractured pelvis in five places, broken ribs, a punctured lung, and an injury to her bladder. After being hospitalized for three months and living with her parents for another four, Katie rebuilt her life with her new body.
While she was in the hospital, Katie began writing How to Get Run Over By a Truck, a tale about what it’s like to lose everything and start the path to recovery.

The resulting memoir is beautiful—it’s shocking, heartbreaking, funny, dark, and brutally honest.
It’s a must read for everyone.
If you’ve gone through your own personal trauma before, you will be in awe of how Katie pulled herself through every negative thought to become the person she is today. If you have loved ones in the hospital, you will appreciate her insight on how to treat them. If you’re a health professional, you will be appalled at the depiction of our medical system, especially the psychological effects of low quality patient care on the healing process.
Katie’s attitude to her new life after the accident can be summed up in these words:
“What I had now was better than nothing. I was ready to take it and be happy. Anything more that the universe was willing to give me, I was going to accept gratefully.”
You can order Katie’s book here.