3 Reasons Why A Coffee Shop Is The Perfect Place For A First Date

Written by: Rachel Bartee
Now that the world is starting to open up again, dating is something that is going to be back on a lot of people’s schedules. Singletons among us have missed out on a lot in the past eighteen months, so if you have found that your skills have become a little rusty, allow us to ease you back into the swing of things with some advice!
Meeting the love of your life online is now mainstream but there are now so many online dating sites that it is overwhelming. How do you know which site is best for you?
If you can’t remember when your last ‘first date’ was, then we suggest take things back to basics and opt for a classic coffee shop meeting. Whether you have matched on an app or found your date in the old fashioned face to face way, you can’t go wrong with an initial get together in your favourite cafe for a few coffees and sweet treats. With this in mind, here are some of the reasons why a coffee shop is the ideal first date location.
1. Low Pressure Environment
The great thing about suggesting a coffee shop as a first date location is the fact that it is a very low pressure environment. What we mean by this is that the vibe is casual and there are other people around so that it isn’t just you and your first date sitting together somewhere in silence! Coffee shops are great for people watching too, so in any moments of low conversation you can always pick out someone to point to and talk about. There are plenty of conversation starters to be found in a coffee shop that can trigger a deeper connection.
2. Inexpensive Date
The last thing you want to do is suggest an expensive restaurant that then leads to an awkward moment at the end of the date with regards to paying. Anyone can afford something nice in a coffee shop, whether that’s the signature latte, a big slice of cake or a combination of lots of different snacks! Coffee shops are also a safe option when it comes to picky eaters or picky drinkers. You are always going to find something on the menu that you like, and the same goes for your date. There is nothing wrong with opting for an inexpensive first date!
3. Central Locations
Of course, if you find that the date is going very well, the great thing about most coffee shop locations is that they are within walking distance of plenty of other establishments that you can suggest moving on to. Whether that is a restaurant for dinner, a nightclub for dancing, or a city park for a romantic stroll, you can think of a coffee shop as the ideal place to start the first date. Of course, if you’re not feeling a connection, then you can end the date after your coffee, but the casual environment makes it easy to suggest lengthening the experience and moving onto another location afterward if you think they might be the one!
Casual hookups happen more than you might imagine and if our study is anything to go by, you definitely need to start looking up all of the best local coffee places in your area! If the first date goes well, then you might not need to go back for a while! When it comes to those fun and exciting initial meetings and moments with a potential new partner, for all of the reasons we have included and many more, opt for a cute and casual coffee date that takes the pressure off!
This post was written by Rachel Bartee and originated on Your Coffee Break