4 Tips To Remember For Your Resume

We all very well know that nailing a job can be difficult. And, unfortunately, it is made even more difficult by the fact that you often need experience to get a job, but it can be nearly impossible to get that experience if no one will hire you, creating a crazy and frustrating cycle. The good news is that, if you are feeling stuck in this cycle, there is a way out- a way out and onward to a great job!
The key is to write a killer resume that highlights all of your strengths and that makes you look shine like the perfect candidate that you are for any position, even without a lot (or any!) experience under your belt. You may think it’s impossible to apply for jobs with no experience, but it’s definitely not true, at least not if you are willing to follow a few simple but highly effective tips.
1. Highlight What You Know
The first thing you need to know about how to write a good resume is that it’s all about playing up what you DO have and downplaying what you don’t have. So, if you don’t have a lot of experience to fill in the blanks, simply highlight what you DO have.
For example, if you have an education in your field, list it where the experience goes; it counts! Also, if you are proficient in any programs, software, or other items relevant to the job, list that as well. Play up all your good qualities and try not to worry too much about what you may lack; after all, no candidate for a job is 100% perfect.
2. Use The Job Description As A Guide
Another very effective tip to follow if you are looking for write up a resume that will work for you and your dream job is to always, always read the job description thoroughly. Doing so will provide you with absolutely everything that you need to know in order to secure the position.
As you read through what the job entails, try to think of a skill or an attribute you possess that would qualify you to do each particular responsibility required for that particular job. Don’t leave anything blank; be creative and think of something to fulfill every possible job descriptor. This should go a long way in proving that you are an ideal fit for the job that you are going for.
3. Formatting And Proofreading Count
When it comes to resume writing, one thing that you need to realize is that, more often than not, it’s not a lack of experience that will land your resume in the “slush pile” but a bunch of typos and poor, sloppy formatting. In fact, poorly formatted resumes that are loaded down with errors sometimes don’t even make their way to the person in charge of making the hiring decisions; instead, they simply get thrown out by the person screening them.
In order to keep this from happening, be sure that you carefully proofread each and every word of your resume and that you utilize clean, effective, easy to read formatting, avoid copying a cover letter template from internet for example. At the end of the day, if you can nail these simple things, then you will already be one big step ahead of the rest of the competition.
4. Show That You Are Eager To Learn
The “bottom line” is that everybody was without experience at one point or another. The difference between people who stay inexperienced and those who go on to have success is being willing to learn and grow and to seize every opportunity that presents itself.
Thus, in your resume, make sure you demonstrate that you are someone who is willing and eager to learn and grow both in the workplace and as an individual. You can state this outright, but you can also showcase it by taking on relevant volunteer and internship opportunities just for the learning experience.
If you can follow these tips, then your lack of experience shouldn’t hold you back from “wowing” potential employers with your resume.