4 Ways To Level Up Your Career In Your 30s
You’re not the new kid in the freshly decorated cubicle anymore. You’ve made your fair share of mistakes, put in the hours necessary to prove that mediocrity is not an option for you, and met people who have influenced your career path. Even if you don’t know exactly what you want right now, you’ve had enough conflicting experiences to know what you do not want. And that is one of the most valuable pieces of information that you will need in your 30s – becoming more in tune with who you are so that you can create a career journey that makes you excited to wake up before your alarm clock rings.
Your 30s is a time like no other and you want to take full advantage of the career elevation that is waiting for you to explore. Here are four ways to have a booming career in your 30s:
Travel The World
Instead of being viewed as a frivolous activity reserved for retirees or dreamy-eyed college grads, traveling can be the career booster that professionals in their 30s need to get to the next level.
Traveling exposes you to different ways of living and builds your confidence in ways that you never imagined- and you’ll need confidence if you are seeking to land a promotion or jumpstart your entrepreneurial visions.
It’s all about immersing yourself in activities that you haven’t done before in order to strengthen your leadership potential and versatility. After white water river rafting in India, climbing the highest mountain in Tanzania, or swimming with whale sharks in Western Australia, the thought of making risky decisions in business–and surviving–does not seem as daunting.
As a bonus, you’ll also develop a level of cultural intelligence that will expand your focus from processes to people. And those cross-cultural competencies will come in handy if you are trying to convince someone from China or Sweden to invest in your new business idea. If you just happen to know another language, that’s another benefit that you can add to your career toolkit of possibilities.
Learn Something New
Here is the most expensive career mistake that some people make: once they master their job responsibilities, they stop looking for new ways to invest in themselves and fail to remain relevant in the marketplace.
Be intentional about building your soft and technical skills. Here are ways that you can develop yourself:
1. Join a Toastmasters club and start building your communication confidence. You’ll need it to articulate why you deserve your next promotion and to showcase how your skills are exactly what is needed to move the company forward. You might even be seeking to test the waters of entrepreneurship and your communication skills will determine if you obtain the million -dollar investment for the business idea.
2. With the number of businesses that are making their way online every day, knowing how to design a website comes in handy. It can also put some extra income in your pocket. Take a website design course and you won’t have to depend on others to sell your future online products and services.
3. Coding is becoming the most in-demand skill across all industries. While you’re waiting on your next career move, it wouldn’t hurt to take a coding course. According to a new report from Burning Glass, a job market analytics firm, there were as many as 7 million job openings in 2015 in occupations that required coding skills. There is opportunity all around you!
Share Your Knowledge
It’s time to spread the wealth of knowledge that you were given in your 20s. Consider joining professional organizations and taking on a leadership role. When you can manage people and processes without the threat of a paycheck, you have proven that you are ready for more responsibilities at your place of employment. Then use your industry knowledge to write for different publications. Releasing content with your name on it enhances your credibility and establishes you as an expert in the field. Partner with other professionals to share your insights on a panel. Engaging in knowledge sharing opportunities will increase your visibility in your profession, making it a no-brainer for others to reach out to you for opportunities and offer you a handsome salary for your expertise.
Develop a Powerful Possibility Posse
No longer can you get away with hanging on to people who no longer serve your greater purpose. They can deplete your energy and derail your dreams so fast that you wake up and realize you are in your 70s filled with thoughts of what you should have, would have, and could have done. Just let go and prepare to embrace the other relationships that can unfold.
Actively seek out your possibility posse if you want to keep growing in your career. Your possibility posse are people on your team who believe in your vision just as much as you do. Most people on your team have achieved the level of success that you are trying to achieve. These people can include mentors, sponsors, and coaches who know what it takes to get to the next level. Don’t underestimate the value of peers who are also motivated to get to the next level. This network will allow you to accomplish more than you could ever achieve on your own.
Assess the quality of your network. Start defining what you want to achieve in your 30s and identify people who have already done it. Use social media and networking events to connect with your possibility posse. When you have achieved the next level, always reach out your hand and help others who want to achieve what you have done.