5 Essential Items to Help You Take on the World (Sponsored)

Take a minute to reflect on what you see yourself doing in five years.
You can think of anything.
Do you see yourself hosting meetings with ease or learning a foreign language?
Have you launched a business or an organization?
Could you be in the process of creating a new, innovative product?
Most importantly,are you taking on the world- pushing yourself to be better than you where yesterday and challenging conventional thinking?
That last one is a loaded question. However, I am here to assure you that you can do it! You just need to prepare, to learn how to expect the unexpected. This list of essentials to keep on hand will help you do just that. Read on if you are ready to tackle the world head on!
1. Keep an updated resume.
You will never know what opportunities pop up. When they do, do you really want to worry about your resume? A half an hour four times a year (that’s once per quarter) will save you some headache down the road. In addition to that, updating your resume often will ensure that you don’t forget any impressive details along the way.
2. Don’t go anywhere without business cards and your planner.

You know the importance of business cards and planners. After all, why would you own them if you didn’t? Just remember that the most unlikely people in the most unlikely places may be your ticket to a fantastic opportunity. Plan accordingly!
3. Have access to healthy snacks and water.
Keeping yourself healthy is the only way to ensure that you get the most out of your professional and personal life. I carry an apple and a water bottle with me wherever I go. Doing so keeps me focused, happy, and allows me to keep going if I need to skip lunch that day.
4. Store U by Kotex pads in your bag at all times.
I just told you that every once in a while, I have to skip lunch. If hunger doesn’t stop me from getting things done, you can bet I won’t let my period! U by Kotex is my all time favorite brand for my feminine needs. I attribute my adoration for them to their sassy commercials, adorable packaging, and serious protection and comfort. I have never once had a period mishap with U by Kotex.

The pads pictured are U by Kotex CleanWear Pads with a 3D Capture Core. The 3D Capture Core is a one-of-a-kind center that locks away wetness to help stop leaks. You can also get Ultra Thin Heavy Flow or AllNighter Overnight Pads depending on how hard Mother Nature is hitting you.

5. Carry a twenty dollar bill with you.
Twenty dollars has the ability to get your vehicle off of “E.” It can pay for a cab or an emergency bottle of Midol. It can’t buy a hotel room, but if you lost your credit card, it can pay for a nice, juicy burger. In short, twenty dollars can go a long way if you need it to. The trick is to keep it with you at all times, but never actually use it unless you are genuinely in an emergency.
Now, I know that you can’t plan for every mishap you’ll have in your life. However, keeping these things on hand will save you a lot of strife. Being prepared for the hiccups in life will save you a lot of time—time you can use to continue working on pursuing your dreams.
Oh! By the way, U by Kotex is currently offering FREE samples. That way you can #savetheundies and your emergency twenty dollars!
Thank you U by Kotex for not only sponsoring this article, but for keeping all women prepared to take on the world!