7 Crucial Tips To Be More Present At Work And School

“There is only one time that is important – NOW! It is the most important time because it is the only time that we have any power.” – Leo Tolstoy
Being present in school and in the workplace plays an imperative role in becoming successful at work and in your life. People that leave worries and stresses at home are more present in their work which helps the atmosphere at work and most importantly, your overall well being. Here are some tips for being focused on the now:
1. Working Out
Frequent physical activity encourages your mind to become active and have more energy. Coffee doesn’t cut it when it comes to being alert. The natural energy that comes from physical activity is the fuel that enables clear thinking and brainstorming new ideas.
2. Look Sharp, Be Sharp
When you dress up, you feel better. On days where you have a test or a big meeting, it is important to dress the part instead of going to the event in casual attire or sweatpants. It might sound very reasonable to throw on your comfiest clothes and run out the door, however, studies have shown that 96% of women out of 100 interviewed said that what they wear affects how confident they feel.
There is a positive connect between bright colors and fitted clothes with your emotions. If you dress positively, it is more likely that you will act more confident and positive which stimulates positive responses back from others.
3. Cut It Out
After the long day is over, it is best not to sulk in the amount of work you have due tomorrow. Instead, during your work hours, focus on getting the most amount of work done as you can. So, when the work day ends, you can indulge and spend time talking to people close to you and get your mind off of the constant stress of work.
It is easy to get in a haze if you have a high demanding job, but some tips for tuning it out once the clock strikes 5:00 pm is; turning off work-related notifications on your phone, leaving important work related documents in your bag and not looking at them until the appropriate time, and lastly, setting an agenda so you are busy with healthy activities after work.
4. Quick Breaks, Healthier Mind
Studies have shown that taking a short break between tasks helps your mind recharge and refocus for the activities at hand. Taking a brief walk, even to go get your lunch is helpful for your mind to relax for a moment during the hectic day. If taking a walk is not in the agenda, then coming in touch with your breathing is very beneficial. Close your eyes and breathe in slowly for seven seconds and out for 10 seconds. This forces the mind to slow down. If you have trouble sleeping, this breathing technique is also helpful.
5. Journaling
Even if you are not a big writer, keeping a journal to write down your accomplishments, goals, and favorite words of advice is imperative to success. Many people accomplish something small at work that should be recognized yet, others may not give that satisfaction to you. Rely on yourself to give the support you need in order to keep going and keep striving for success. Keeping a gratitude journal in your desk drawer will benefit you in more ways than one.

6. Multitasking is more harmful than good
Multitasking makes it more difficult to organize your thoughts and reduces the quality of your work. A study of the University of London suggests that people who did two or more tasks at once experienced IQ drops. The amount their IQ drops is the same amount that you would see from a people who smoke marijuana. Another negative aspect of multitasking is that it increases the production of cortisol in your brain, which is the stress hormone.
7. Eat somewhere else
Eating lunch at your desk forces you to be immersed with your work, not allowing you to fully enjoy your meal. Going to a different place during your lunch hour, even your car, can help you relax and enjoy a needed break in the day.