5 Body-Positive Affirmations That Promote Self Love, No Matter What

With Spring and the second quarter of the year here, many of us are resetting and planning on getting refocused on our yearly goals. Some of us have set some type of wellness goals to prepare us for this summer, whether it’s self-care, health or fitness.
Researcher and podcaster Brene Brown once said, “Practicing self-love means learning how to trust ourselves, to treat ourselves with respect and to be kind and affectionate to ourselves.”
We can easily get distracted by commercials, social media and reality TV and betray our own self-love and body positivity. Whether we need a bit of a push to work on our wellness and fitness goals or if we need help accepting the body we have, we can all use a bit of affirming of ourselves.
Here are a few positive affirmations that promote self-love to help you with body-positive self-love:
Affirm: I promise to show myself more love and grace.
To start affirming body positivity and self-love, you have to show yourself grace as this journey will not always be easy. With the pressures of society telling us we need to we must be a certain size or look a certain way, this simple affirmation is a reminder that we have to take a step back and allow ourselves to have some compassion for our journey.
This affirmation focuses on being intentional which could easily resonate with any part of your life. This affirmation is part of of Jaurdane Ivory also known as J. Ivory’s, daily inspiring Reels she posts on Instagram. Every day, the creative director posts positive life affirmations that focus on self-love, self-care and motivation. J. Ivory, even has a affirmation journal that is currently available for preorder, as it comes out in June. The Everyday Affirmations Journal offers 90 days of life changing affirmations and journal prompts to help guide you through your self-love and self-discovery journey.
Affirm: It is OK to be different and love my body just the way it is.
We do not have to change or conform to anyone’s standards but our own. Learn that it is okay to be content with your body the way it is as long as you are happy. As some say, “Summer is going to get whatever body I have”, this is when we become content with being ourselves completely. This affirmation is one of 88 body positive reminders taken from The Struggles of a Fitmomblog by Brooke Cavalla an Exercise Specialist. In the blog post, Brooke share how using body-positive affirmations helped her with self-love and body image.
Affirm: Every time I look in the mirror I notice something I like about myself.
“Confidence is not something you’re born with, it’s something you cultivate,” Ashley Diana the creator of The Affirmation Babe podcast and social media community. Ashley has a podcast that corresponds with each of the affirmations she post on Instagram as well as mindset tool affirmation cards that are available to order.
She believes repeating affirmations at least 5 minutes out of your day can change your life. Some of us love to look in the mirror and some of us dread it as we notice a change each time we take a look. The purpose of affirmations are to find the positive, so instead of dreading looking in the mirror, make a goal to find something you like about yourself each time you look in the mirror.
Affirm: I am freeing myself of comparison and making space for understanding, empathy and foregiveness.
This gentle reminder taken from After the Rain by wellness educator Alex Elle is not just a self-love affirmation for life but also a body positivity affirmation. To begin to truly understand self-love we have to give ourselves compassion and empathy. A lot of times our negative self talk comes from us comparing ourselves to someone else. We must stop comparing our selves, including our bodies, and our journey to someone else.
Affirm: I wholeheartedly love myself flaws and all.
Megan Logan LCSW, author of The Self-love Workbook for Women, helps women learn what self-love is, why it is important and find ways to release self-doubt.
Megan writes, “Self love is the fuel that allows an individual to reach their full potential, and is filled with compassion, grace and gentleness”. The workbook which includes exercises, quotes and affirmations is helpful no matter if you are getting summer body ready or accepting the body you have in this season.