Free Your Mind: 5 Emotional Self-Care Tips For Black Women

The importance of emotional self-care, specifically for Black women, cannot be stressed enough. Often, we get so wrapped up in our day-to-day responsibilities that we put ourselves on the back burner. Then, when we finally focus on our feelings and emotions, they require major improvement. Here are five emotional self-care tips for Black women you can start implementing into your life today.
Sometimes, we count on friends and family to uplift us. However, nurturing ourselves is beneficial to our emotional health. This is where affirmations come in handy. Affirmations are uplifting statements you can say every day, morning and night. There is no limit to how many you can write down. Tailor your affirmations to fit your emotional needs. For example, if you lack confidence, write the words, “I look beautiful.” As you remain consistent, the positive results will speak for themselves.

Bottling up your emotions for too long can be detrimental to your emotional health. We recommend buying a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings. It’s a safe space where you can privately reflect on your situation. Once you take a second to re-read your thoughts, you may find inspiration to move forward positively.
Setting Boundaries
Now is the time to stop allowing others to walk over you and speak up for yourself. Prepare to set firm boundaries. It can be challenging to accomplish, but once you take the necessary actions to get this done, you will feel a weight lifted from your shoulders. Say no when you are uncomfortable. Define ground rules with your peers. Always make sure you are receiving the respect you deserve.

Seeking Therapy
Unfortunately, there has been such a judgmental stigma, especially in the Black community, with seeking help from mental health professionals. If you let society stop you from receiving help, you will be doing yourself a disservice. If you are nervous about in-person meetings, many online therapy sites such as BetterHelp and Talkspace allow you to connect with a licensed therapist for at-home sessions. Consider giving it a try. If you are not fond of it, you can cancel the service at anytime.
Treat Yourself
You don’t have to wait for the holiday season or to receive good news to treat yourself. If you are taking the necessary steps to improve your emotional self-care, reward yourself as motivation to continue the process — from going out to the movies or splurging on a new dress. You deserve it.