Here’s How To Better Utilize Your Home’s Space

Using your home’s space effectively is a trial and error process. Arranging your furniture in the best way for your space limitation can take years, and you’ve got to factor in aesthetic, function, and storage at the same time.
When you think about it, that’s a lot of calculating to do! But if you’re keen to maximize your use of the space at hand, we’ve got some handy tricks down below that’ll make it much easier. You’ll need to take a couple measurements, but no hard math for you!
Draw out multiple layouts.

Before you make any physical changes, you should envision the space in your home in as many setups as possible. This means sketching out various layouts that you like the look or sound of.
Choose to either draw on paper or on a tablet and then set a scale for your layouts to make sure you’ve drawn them out as accurately as possible. Once you’ve got an idea of everything that’s possible, you can move onto the steps below.
Think of small areas with wasted space.
These areas exist all over the home, no matter how hard you’ve worked to use all the space on offer. Under stairs, under beds, in tricky corners, around cabinets in the kitchen – these are all wasted space hotspots. So, how could you make better use of these if you rearrange the furniture?
Take out a corner cabinet? Buy a new bed? Although sometimes you’ve done your best already, and the last option available to you is to extend your home. Don’t try to squeeze anything else in without thinking about the general structure!
Ask for a professional opinion.

Let’s face it – if you’re really not sure about how to use your space constructively, it’s going to be hard to use tips like these! So that’s where some professional opinions should come in. You can consult with an architect or contractor, whether you’re planning to get work done or not, to get some expert advice on the best changes to make. Provide the measurements of your rooms, tell them about the furniture you own, and then see what they say about where to move it or incorporating more storage.
Budget for an extension.
Whether you want to renovate or extend, you’re going to need a ready made budget for it. So now’s the time to make the decision on when you need to start saving, and for how much. What kind of work would be best done? This is another area where you can ask for some expert advice, but be sure to ask around. You want to get a good idea about how much potential work is going to cost and the answer can vary depending on where you live and the extent of the project you’re dreaming of.
Do you struggle to keep your home neat and tidy? It might be due to a misuse of the space within your home. Have a change and see!
This article was written by Annabel Cooper and originally published on Your Coffee Break.