How To Shift Your Money Mindset From Scarcity To Abundance

Source: Adobe Stock

Sept. 5 2024, Published 8:00 a.m. ET

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Your relationship with money goes beyond what’s in your bank account. Your mindset also shapes how you handle and spend cash.

Growing up, you may have absorbed messages about money being tight or that wealth is only attainable to specific individuals. These ideas could cultivate deeply rooted negative beliefs and habits surrounding your perception of financial freedom. This scarcity mindset, expressed as constant worry about not having enough, might leave you feeling stuck, even as your financial situation improves.

Scarcity Vs. Abundance: What’s The Difference?

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The core difference between scarcity and abundance mindsets lies in how you perceive the world around you. With a scarcity mindset, you focus on lack and limitation — be it money, opportunities or success. This outlook on life can make you anxious and defensive, afraid that others’ accomplishments diminish your potential.

Scarcity thinking can trap you in a cycle of fear, leading to poor financial decisions such as overspending, hoarding, or avoiding financial planning altogether. It also puts you at risk of being among the 79% of employees who experience work-related stress. A negative attitude about earning money affects productivity, often diminishing motivation and instigating burnout.

Conversely, an abundance mindset embraces possibility and opportunity. It recognizes that there’s enough to go around and that others’ achievements don’t limit one’s success. People with this attitude see money as a tool for growth. They are more open to taking calculated risks, investing in their future and sharing their wealth. It inspires a positive cycle of growth and financial stability.

Your upbringing, cultural background and societal influences can shape your money mindset. Media portrayals of wealth, gender expectations and economic factors also play a role. Recognizing these influences is the first step toward change.

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How to Shift From Scarcity To Abundance

With intentional effort, it’s possible to shift to an abundance mindset, empowering you to view money as a tool for growth and opportunity.

Acknowledge and challenge limiting beliefs.

A study shows that patients with a positive outlook responded better to treatment and had improved quality of life. The same principle applies when it comes to challenging limiting beliefs that promote a negative attitude about money. This perspective often stems from childhood experiences or cultural narratives that equate money with struggle.

For example, if you’ve grown up hearing that “money doesn’t grow on trees,” you might internalize the belief that wealth is hard to attain. Finding ways to replace thoughts such as “I’ll never have enough money” with “I have the power to create wealth” is a good starting point.

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Surround yourself with positive influences.

It’s easy to adopt the same mentality when you’re surrounded by people who constantly stress about money or believe in scarcity. The opposite is also true. Seek out positive influences who embody an abundance mindset. These could be financially savvy friends, mentors or online communities that focus on monetary growth and positivity.

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SOURCE: Adobe stock

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For your benefit, limit exposure to negative influences. This includes unfollowing social accounts that trigger financial anxiety and forgoing programs that cultivate scarcity attitudes. Listen and watch material that encourages financial empowerment and positivity. By surrounding yourself with these influences, you’ll start to internalize the belief that abundance is possible, making it achievable.

Practice what you learn by:

  • Setting financial goals and working to achieve them.
  • Automating utility payments to become part of the 96% of Americans who pay their bills on time.
  • Saving more toward your short- and long-term goals.
  • Implementing investment strategies.
  • Practicing charitable giving.
  • Being grateful for what you have.

Cultivate an attitude of gratitude.

Gratitude is another powerful tool in this process. By focusing on what you already have, you train your brain to recognize abundance rather than scarcity. It inspires a self-awareness that contributes to a better relationship with cash.

Start a “thanksgiving” practice where you list things you’re thankful for, including financial blessings, big or small. Over time, this practice will rewire your mind from focusing on what you lack to what you have, reinforcing an abundance mindset.

Celebrate each milestone, no matter how small. It helps build momentum and reinforces your belief in your ability to achieve financial success, motivating you further.

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List all your goals and achievements in a journal. It helps you keep track of your progress and growth. Write down verbal affirmations you use to change your relationship with money to motivate yourself through the journey.

Remember, an abundance mindset isn’t about having unlimited wealth. It’s about seeing opportunities where others see limitations. It’s believing in your ability to create the financial future you desire. However, be patient with yourself — changing long-held beliefs takes time and effort.

Embrace Your Financial Power

Changing how you see and think of money is a transformative journey that requires dedication. As you redirect your mindset from scarcity, you’ll notice changes in your financial behavior. You’ll make decisions from a place of confidence rather than fear. You’ll be more receptive to opportunities for growth and learning, opening doors to new possibilities in your career, relationships and personal development.

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By: Mia Barnes

Mia Barnes is a health journalist with over 3+ years of experience specializing in workplace wellness. Mia believes knowledge is power. As the Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine, Mia's goal is to cover relevant topics to empower women through information.

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