3 Ways To Redefine Your Work-Life Balance For Your Unique Goals And Lifestyle



July 12 2024, Published 8:10 a.m. ET

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Work-life balance is close to nonexistent for the modern-day, career-focused woman. Hearing about the topic may make you cringe, as most discussions can feel jaded. This often glossed-over subject should focus on what women as individuals seek. 

Of course, you will find inspiration from other women who seem to excel in both personal and professional spheres. The reality is that true work-life balance is challenging to achieve and maintain for everyone. It takes determination from oneself to redefine what it means to juggle work, sleep, relationships and “me time” seamlessly.

Rethinking Work-Life Balance

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When you consider work-life balance, know that it looks different for everyone. Some focus more on work, while others prioritize other areas of their lives. For example, suppose you were a first-time stay-at-home mom from when your child was a newborn until they were ready to go to preschool. 

Transitioning back to work full-time is a large shift that forces you to learn how to fit everything into a daily schedule. In the first year of work, you may be focusing on excelling in your career, ready to accomplish anything to impress your bosses. Yet, as that excitement dies down, you may want more out of life, encouraging you to spend more time with family and friends.

We all have individual circumstances that shape work-life balance. Someone could work every day knowing they are satisfied but still want more and must keep going. Meanwhile, some are comfortable with where they are in their role and would rather work to live than live to work. There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and striving for balance means aligning it with your needs and goals.

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Ways To Tailor Your Work-Life Balance

Achieving work-life balance takes time and experimentation to find what works for you. Once you implement a few strategies, you can find your groove and live the lifestyle you have always wanted.

Reassess your self-care needs.

When working on a healthy, balanced lifestyle, you must constantly assess what truly matters. Ask yourself what aspects of your life require more attention. Your reflection could lead to prioritizing downtime without guilt, meaning you do something you love to relax, regardless of whether it’s productive.

For example, some people feel better after a workout because they use physical activity to expel stress hormones, which improves their mindset alongside mood-bosting endorphins. On the flip side, you can also lay on the couch and put on a calming playlist for a similar effect.

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Studies have shown music at approximately 60 beats per minute can synchronize your brain waves, reducing anxiety levels. Additionally, ensuring you drink fewer caffeinated beverages can relieve pressure in your everyday life fast.

Learn when to shut off work.

Boundaries can be challenging to recognize. However, it is important to pay attention to your body and mind to know your limits and when time off is essential. 

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In an interview with Her Agenda, Allison McGevna-Cirino shares her experience with knowing when to stop working: “I can work myself until I get sick. And [only prioritizing work] is just not sustainable. It’s not good for anybody when I show up and I’m tired or not my full self. You can start to resent your work because you’re just giving so much of it and not giving anything else to your relationships, life, or hobbies.” 

When Allison McGevna-Cirino came to this realization, she knew that she had to reset her priorities. She stated, “Learning how to work from home was also critical because I had to learn how to close my work computer and not look at it. I’m taking this time with my kids.”

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Find a job that lets you live life.

One trend that has recently lit up on TikTok is the “lazy girl job.” Influencer Gabrielle Judge defines the term as finding a decent-paying, non-technical role with an amazing boss that ends at 5 pm. Many women are taking the pressure off, wanting to enjoy their lives outside of work, and you can, too.

Judge says, “Part of what the ‘girl boss’ trend did was reveal many Americans’ continued discomfort with female ambition. And so I do think … ‘lazy girl job’ is a bit more comfortable, right? That said, I do think a real dynamic is happening, where particularly post-pandemic, a lot of Americans are questioning what they want their lives and their work lives to look like.” A fulfilling career shouldn’t come at the expense of your personal health and happiness — it should complement and enhance it.

Do Work-Life Balance Your Way

Society has a standard for work-life balance, but you have your own priorities and aspirations to fulfill. Instead of doing what everyone expects from you, take control and decide what makes you happy.

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By: Mia Barnes

Mia Barnes is a health journalist with over 3+ years of experience specializing in workplace wellness. Mia believes knowledge is power. As the Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine, Mia's goal is to cover relevant topics to empower women through information.

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