How To Improve Your Remote Work Experience For Your Teams

Remote employees are more productive and often get more done. Working from home has many drawbacks, though — it isn’t for everyone. For example, being free to stay in your pajamas all day is a definite perk, but it can deter you from your work. Here are some ways to improve remote work and keep your teams happy.

1. Icebreaker Activities
Remote settings can get lonely. There’s no walking by coworkers’ desks, good morning greetings or water-cooler talks. You can work on the same remote team with someone for years and have no idea who they are or what they’re like besides the glimpse you get in your monthly team meetups.
Icebreaker activities can increase engagement and help employees connect with their coworkers. Begin meetings with icebreaker questions or games to get everyone involved and encourage team members to form bonds with one another. Allow workers to discuss things unrelated to work with your icebreakers to familiarize them. Bonds take time, but helping workers connect can increase engagement and productivity, which is excellent for business.
2. Employee Benefits
Many remote employers don’t offer as many benefits as in-house opportunities. Give incentives to help employees feel like you’re taking care of them in more ways than one. Include monthly stipends to accommodate monthly insurance bills or whatever your employee needs. Bonuses and learning programs can offer incentives and help employees feel appreciated.
Provide telehealth opportunities that allow health care providers to engage with their patients and monitor them digitally. With digital health opportunities, workers can feel more support. Although remote hours are flexible, they still have to move their day around to accommodate in-person appointments. Corporate jobs typically offer 401k’s, health insurance, paid holidays and the list could go on. These can be challenging to offer employees in remote settings, but do what you can.
3. Employee Feedback
Employee feedback is essential to all workers, but remote workers especially. In an office setting, you can see what other workers are doing and working on to understand how to apply yourself better and move forward with projects. Remote workers are sort of left on their own to make decisions independently and hope they’re doing things right.
Feedback encourages employees to pursue goals and helps them know what to expect. When workers know their responsibilities and how to accomplish them, they’re likelier to perform at their best. Provide ways for employees to give feedback about meetings, projects and the overall work experience. No matter how great you’re doing, there’s always room for improvement. Allowing employees to share insights can increase your overall productivity in the workplace.

4. Fun
Encouraging daily routines and providing resources like time-blocking tools are excellent for remote workers. Offering support through one-on-one meetings, constructive feedback and assessments are great ways to support your employees. However, throwing some fun into the mix never hurt anyone. Working in an office comes with coworkers discussing their lives outside of work.
These discussions — like workout challenges or weekly meetups at a local coffee shop — often lead to participation. Provide the same sort of dynamic virtually to your employees. Online happy hours, game nights, and ongoing competitions can reward employees and help them connect. Offering games or other fun teambuilding activities can increase communication skills and rejuvenate those who feel isolated in their workspace from home.
Improving Remote Work Experiences
Remote work has many benefits, like reduced turnover and overhead costs. However, the glitz and glamour of remote work can fade rapidly. Do whatever you can to increase engagement and keep your employees happy so they perform at their best.