How To Work From Home During A Crisis


April 14 2020, Published 3:10 a.m. ET

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One of the biggest problems for most remote workers is the concept that is separating work and home life from one another. Therefore, I’ve created a quick list of the 5 essential tips for working from home during a crisis!

If you are struggling with this problem, whether you are an entrepreneur, business owner or whoever it might be, these tips for working from home will help you succeed — even during a global crisis.

Find out below how you can separate work and home life when you have a remote job.

#1 Create a Detailed Schedule and Stick To It!

How To Work From Home During A Crisis

When you work from home and have the ability to make up your own schedule, it is very easy to push things off until the last minute, which is why you not only have to make a schedule but get very detailed with it as well.

Try scheduling in work blocks (whether they are two, four or six hours), also make sure to schedule in breaks, lunch, errands and everything in between.

While some people might just create to-do lists, you will greatly benefit yourself if you account for every hour in the day.

The key is to give every minute and hour a purpose.

You have to master the art that is making a schedule. If you can do that, then showing up to work every morning (whether it is in your PJs or a suit) will not be an issue.

It’s very easy to get distracted when you work from home, but it doesn’t have to be the norm. The key is to treat your remote job like an office job.

After all, it is a job in every sense of the word. Therefore, if your planner says you need to answer emails from 12 to 1 p.m., then that should be your only concern during that time.

It might be easy to move things around during the day because things pop up (such as your friends wanting to go to lunch or see a movie), but you need to make a schedule and then stick to it — no matter what!

Bonus Advice: creating a daily schedule will help prevent burn out! It’s easy to lose track of time and if you can’t stick to a typical work-life balance, you may find yourself getting easily burnt out. AVOID THIS!

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#2 Create a Designated Work Space ASAP!

How To Work From Home During A Crisis

When you first start working remotely, it is very easy to work on the couch or in bed.

That is just one of the perks of the job — you can work wherever you want. However, if you plan on being as productive and successful as possible, then you need to create a designated workspace.

Not only should this workspace be equipped with all of the office supplies that you need and desire, but it should be a place that you actually enjoy working at.

You may also want to add some things to your workspace that help you work more efficiently and keep you comfortable. Finding a good office chair that will give your back support while you work can greatly increase your comfort and ability to work from home comfortably. You may also want to invest in a pair of blue light glasses to give your eyes a break while you work at your computer and allow you to read more at one time. 

Try putting up all the pictures you want and decorate it however you would like. The office manager cannot come into your home and tell you to take something down. Make it your own success space!

The point of having a designated workspace is to get into the correct mindset when it is time to work.

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That’s why you also shouldn’t be doing things like eating or watching Netflix at your workspace. This designated area should be for work and nothing else.

If you start doing other things at it, such as watching your favorite shows on Hulu, then you are more likely to repeat that bad habit in the future, which will lead to you wasting time, not being as productive and possibly missing deadlines in an extreme case.

It’s okay to watch TV, but just don’t do it at your designated workspace, or while on the job, of course.

The key is for your mind to associate your workspace with work, not entertainment.

#3 Communicate to People Your Scheduled Work Hours!

When you work from home, friends and family tend to think you are available 24/7. However, if you are a remote worker, you know that is not the case.

Sure, you might not have a boss looking over your shoulder, but you might still have to be at your computer from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or you might just have important deadlines to meet throughout the day.

That is why you need to really stress to people when you work.

There are many remote workers who work six or seven days instead of five.

The point of this is work-life balance, and to also get more out of every single day.

No matter when you work, you have to really stress to people that you are working and that you cannot be bothered.

You wouldn’t bother them at their jobs, right?

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Even if your hours are non-traditional (for example, you work three hours at night) and your roommates’ are not, you need to tell your roommates that you cannot be bothered from 6 to 9 p.m., and then actually get to work during that time.

Everyone thinks remote workers have it easier than non-remote workers, but that isn’t always the case. You still have a job to do. Not to mention, your boss might be more strict because he/she can’t actually see what you are doing at all hours of the day.

Set your work boundaries and make sure those around you know when you work!

Learn more about working remotely here!

#4 Prepare for Distractions but Don’t Let Them Win!

How To Work From Home During A Crisis

When you are a remote worker, it is so easy to get distracted, and that is especially the case if you can make up your own schedule.

We are here to tell you this: Don’t let the distractions win.

If you have to work from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on a Saturday yet your friends are begging you to go hiking, don’t give in. Work your three hours and then enjoy the rest of the day after that.

Let’s talk about more common distractions, though, because most people do tend to work Monday through Friday.

Common distractions can be the TV, outside calling your name during the summer, the couch, Facebook and the list truly goes on and on.

If you are a remote worker, you have to stick to a schedule.

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Just think of it this way: If you get to make up your own schedule, then you can do all of your work first thing in the morning — which also builds great habits — and then have the rest of the day to do whatever you want.

For parents, it’s difficult enough to get work done if you have children at home, but even harder with younger kids like babies and toddlers. Still, it’s not impossible if you have a scheduled plan along with some flexibility.

But don’t let small or big distractions win every time!

Get motivated and only focus on work when it is, in fact, time to work. Most distractions can wait, although that might be easier said than done in the beginning.

Practice makes almost perfect for this one — it can all be done successfully!

#5 Get Some Fresh Air and Move Your Body!

Since experts advise to limit contact with people who may be sick and many companies are urging employees to stay home, you’re likely going to spend a lot of time indoors.

Open your windows to let in as much natural daylight and fresh air as possible, and take short walks if you live in an unpopulated area — and be sure to wash your hands as soon as you return home.

Sitting all day isn’t healthy even if you’re at the office, but working from home means you skip your commute and have fewer reasons to get up from your chair throughout the day.

If you can’t get outside, make sure you do some type of exercise whether it’s jogging in place, running on the treadmill, or walking up and down the stairs — keep moving!

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Overall, whether you have a remote job normally or just for the moment, it’s okay to embrace it and find what works best for you.

If you want to work at night instead of during the day, then do just that. If you want to take Fridays off, then adjust your schedule accordingly so you can.

The key, once again, is to create a schedule and stick to it. However, that doesn’t mean you have to be at your desk 24/7. As long as you account for everything and don’t let the distractions win, then you can — and should — work when and where you want.

There are many perks that come with being a remote worker, and you should embrace them whenever you can.

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