Work-From-Home Moms Share The Realistic Morning Routines That Set Them Up For Success

Are you a work-at-home mom struggling to balance your work-from-home responsibilities and motherhood? You’re not alone. Managing it all can feel daunting. Here are a few helpful tips from other work-from-home moms to help you set your day up for success:
1. Get up before your children.
Alexis Nova, who offers work-from-home tips to work-at-home moms, suggests waking up before your children or your first meeting so that you can feel like an individual, not just a mother. Waking up earlier can allow you to make time for the personal tasks often left on the back-burner. Such items include journaling, working out, or reading a new book. What would you do for yourself with an additional hour in your day? Enjoy breakfast without disruption or practice mindfulness.
2. Plan your day at night.
“My morning routine starts the night before. I already know what to expect going into my workday,” says Kim Bowman, pregnant mom of two and owner of Exquisite Enterprises, Inc. “My to-do list includes things I couldn’t make the time for the day prior, or I’ll get clear on my steps needed to complete a project. I usually do this while in bed and I’m done for the day to ensure I don’t forget anything. I also setup my computer and anything I need for the next morning.”

3. Reduce morning responsibilities.
Alexis Scipio, mom of four and founder of The Thrive Point, suggests reducing the mental fatigue of your mornings with a Sunday preparation system. “I prepare clothing for the next school week each Sunday (down to underwear and socks), review the kids’ school calendars for events and tests for the week, and children’s folders signed the night prior.” Scipio continues, “I place all backpacks and their school devices near the front door for quick exit in the morning.”
4. Prep snacks in advance.
Meal prepping is known to offer time back for busy moms. Melissa Lagace, who shares work-from-home advice on balancing motherhood and business, notes that snack prepping is vital to her success.
She suggests chopping and bagging healthy snacks for emergency distractions or grab-and-go snacks for breaks throughout the day. Improve your child’s self-sufficiency by placing the snacks within their reach. Your conference-tasking confidence will increase knowing you’re ready for inevitable toddler tantrums.

5. Empower yourself with boundaries.
“I used to think I was finding time to be a mom between running a business. Now I realize I’m finding time to run my business between being a mom,” Bowman shared.
Setting boundaries will add structure to your overall workday and focus. Consider creating boundaries like not opening your email first thing in the morning or not working from your bed. If you feel guilty about them, remind yourself what’s to gain.
Offering Yourself Grace As A Work-From-Home Mom
Your child’s needs will pivot according to their stages of development. Don’t be too rigid with your expectations for yourself. Despite your best efforts, you may be in a high-pressure stage of parenting. Be honest about your capacity. Be mindful of agreeing to more responsibility. Consider ways to support your future self for a successful day. By learning to incorporate morning routines, you may feel less tired as a mom and more confident at working from home.