Natasha Leath has known that she’s intuitive since she was six years old. Fast-forward to the present, and she’s a celebrity intuitive life strategist. She has the ability to sense exactly what’s going on in someone’s life from simply hearing their voice or taking one glance at them.
Now Natasha spends her time taking to social media, making talk show appearances, and helping clients one-on-one to help strategize how they can live their lives for the better from an intuitive point of view. Natasha sat down with us to not only talk about her origin story but also give insight into how she overcomes challenges, who she looks to for inspiration, and how you can shift your skills and passion into your very own business too.
Her Agenda: Can you explain what intuitive life coaching is and how it’s different from normal life coaching?
Natasha Leath: I have a gift to see things in your life ranging from your past, your present, as well as the possibility of your future. And I use my gifts to help people strategize their lives, because I know more than what lies on the surface. So this could be anywhere ranging from your health, your wealth, your career, your family, your friends, I literally know everything that’s going on in your life, even if you don’t tell me, I know, and I’m going to use that prophetic God-given intuitive information to give you structure and strategy to live the life that you really want you desire.

Her Agenda: When did you know you were more open to intuition? How did you discover your gift?
Natasha Leath: My family realized when I was as young as six years old that I had this gift. So I’ve literally had this gift my entire life. But it was when I met with my team lead, Brandon, who I met at Pace University where he was a student, and I was there to speak to the students about employment, engaging into the world…and I just stopped. And I ended up speaking to the students intuitively. I’m like, ‘you have this issue because your dad wants you in finance, and you’re doing this because your mom’….and they’re like, ‘Oh, my God, how did you know of these things?’ And so at the end of the class, Brandon, my team lead of 12 years, came up to me and said, ‘How did you do that?’ And I said, ‘Oh, I have a gift. And he goes, I want to work with you.’ And I said, ‘Oh, I don’t do this for a living. I just, I work for this company, and that’s it. I just have this gift.’ He goes, ‘You need to be doing this.’ And I gave him my number, and I said, ‘Call me in a year. Call me in a year, and we’ll see where we are.’ And so Brandon called me a year to the date that he met me and said, ‘Hi, this is Brandon Brathwaite from Pace University. How are you? Are you ready?’ And I said, ‘Oh, no, I’m still working for this company.’ He said, ‘Well, let’s get started.’ And here we are.
Her Agenda: What led you to wanting to do your own coaching business? I know there’s a bunch of different avenues you have gone through with your intuition. What really prompted you to go that way?
Natasha Leath: So I want to say I absolutely love people. I think people are amazing. I see greatness in everyone. I’ve been that way since I was a kid. I used to get in trouble for doing too much for my friends. Because I am a giver. I’m naturally a giver. And so I know that God gave me this gift to use it to help people, and I felt like sitting behind a desk in corporate where I was [for] years…I walked away from that because I felt like I was doing a disservice to myself and the gift. So I said, ‘Why would you have this ability of walking in Starbucks and knowing about someone’s life, or sitting in an Uber and knowing about the driver’s life and not using this information to help them?’ And so I knew I had to make myself available to do that. I had no logo, no brand; I had nothing. All I had was a gift and Brandon and I built this, brick by brick, to literally change and save lives.

Her Agenda: What is the process like to create a safe space for your clients?
Natasha Leath: Well, I always let people know off the bat, my gift is God-given. I’m not a psychic. I’m not a medium. I don’t read tarot cards. Nothing against it, but that’s not my lane. I’m very clear that my gift came from God. So if people believe in God, then you’re going to believe in a prophetic gift that comes through me to give you a message. So I always start off my sessions with prayer. Before we speak, I will pray in front of you before we even speak, before I even open up my mouth. And once I speak to you, I give you the information. It’s information that you can’t deny. It’s things that are currently going on in your life, things that happened in your life, and things that you actually want to do, but you may not know how to do it. And so I have that information to give you intuitively, to give you that push that you need and the confirmation that you need to live the life that you want to live, the life that you deserve to live. And so people can feel my genuine care. You know, I genuinely care about people’s success and their happiness. The good news is I forget after I speak with someone, and within 24 hours, I forget the message anyway. So that’s the safe space. I don’t remember your business. So, between my genuine care and my not remembering, I think people feel safe in that.
Her Agenda: How do you handle situations where intuition might conflict with a client’s perspectives or don’t understand, you know what it is that you’re doing?
Natasha Leath: So I get I’m very specific in terms of my mission, right? It is what it is. I’m intuitive. I have a gift, and I use my intuitive ability to give you clarity and guidance and oftentimes, because I’m so relatable, it is literally like having a conversation with someone who’s your friend, who just has deeper insight about what’s going on with you. I’m a human being, just like you. I have this gift, and so if I give you information that only you would know, or only someone else would not know, you would want to trust the information that I’m giving you, and it comes from a caring place. So I think that is the difference between people meeting me, having the experience, I am something that you have to experience, because it’s different, it’s a different level. When I tap into your life and I give you a strategy. It is something that is undeniable.

Her Agenda: What are some specific tools, not only to tap into intuition, but maybe to also raise it up a little bit more when you meet with clients?
Natasha Leath: So I pray a lot. There’s a song that I listen to by Donnie McClurkin called Speak To My Heart. And I listen to that song every morning. It’s about using your gift and having God speak to you and just using you and using your message. So I listen to music that really calms me. I pray a lot. At least four times a day, I have to keep myself grounded because I speak to 70 to 100 clients per week worldwide. So I’m constantly keeping myself grounded because it’s different people, different lives, different energies, that I need to keep together, and family time, speaking to my family and speaking to my friends, it keeps me grounded. It keeps me together. It brings me back when I feel like I’m doing way too much.
Her Agenda: What kind of results have your clients typically seen after working with you, either right away or maybe a couple of months down the line?
Natasha Leath: It could range from right away, a couple of months, a couple of years. You know, there’s a large range contingent upon what’s going on in your life, but people have found the love of their lives. They’ve built multi-million dollar businesses. I work with a lot of celebrities in the industry as well. There are artists who have made albums based on the information I’ve given them. Grammys have received Grammys from people. Things that I’ve helped show health wise [has] saved lives, literally. I said, ‘hey, you need to go to the doctor. There’s an issue with your stomach.’ And they go to the doctor and find out they had stomach cancer. But they got it from stage one. If they didn’t get this information, who knows what would have happened? And so things that large, and every aspect I’ve saved marriages, you know, everything, literally everything. And I say that humbly.

Her Agenda: What other resources, such as books, courses, or even mentors, have been most influential in your journey?
Natasha Leath: So my best friend, Shay Wood, is the business mogul here in New York City; she’s been my business mentor and pushing me to keep building the brand. Because, as you can imagine, this is very hard to deal with people’s lives on a daily basis. And sometimes I’m like, this is a lot. You’re questioning why I was even chosen. But she keeps me going. She’s like, you’re supposed to be doing this. And she helps me from a business perspective as well because it is a business, right? I’m using my time. I don’t charge for the gift. I charge for my time, and so she helps me, from a business perspective, my family, my siblings, they’re all an inspiration to me, to keep me going, because they understand my gifts. They’ve always understood my gift, and they’re proud of what I’m doing with my gift in terms of helping people, so I’m blessed with so many friends and family who support me and who backed me. To this day, I can honestly say that I’m very grateful for the support system that I have. So I can’t choose one specific but if I had to mention it would be Brandon for sure, my team lead, Shay, my bestie and my business mentor, Joi Gordon, former CEO of Dress For Success worldwide, and my family for sure.
Her Agenda: How do you continue to develop your skills and then your coaching techniques?
Natasha Leath: Well, I’m looking to expand in terms of working more with corporations. I think that corporations can utilize my skills in terms of what I can give them from the inside perspective to help them grow and scale their business and operations. I want to focus on speaking engagements to make a larger impact, to get in front of a bigger audience and really connect with a larger group at a time, and to scale back a little bit on the one-on-one sessions. I would like to do television. That’s something that I would love to happen, and I will have a big feature coming out soon. But that’s really where I’m going with this: more radio, more reality television, and speaking engagements to have a bigger reach.

Her Agenda: What is some advice you would give to someone who’s maybe tapped into their own intuitive gifts themselves and may not know how to process that, ground themselves, or even just utilize it in daily life?
Natasha Leath: I tell people, it is tough. And you know, as my fellow intuitive sister, it’s tough. It’s a lot of responsibility to know things about people. It’s heavy, and you still want to live your own life and operate in your own life, right? So I would suggest giving yourself balance and giving yourself grace. Share what you want to share, and release what you want to release. You know, it has to be organic. It can’t be forced. You know, either it’s there, and you’re willing to use it, or it’s there, and you’re willing not to use it; it’s your choice because it’s your gift. I would say ground and pray because it could become overwhelming and a lot, and it could easily become depressing because so much is going on that you get consumed and lost, even in your own life, with having this gift and other people’s responsibility for their lives. So just grounding, really grounding, and using it when you want to, and how you want to use it. People say, how do you use this gift? I’m from New York City. I have great friends and a great family. I like to have fun, I like to turn up, and I have a gift, and I’m using it to help people. I don’t change who I am. This is who I am. And I’m a regular homegirl from New York with a gift, and I’m using it to help people. That’s it.
Her Agenda: Lastly, what is some advice you can give to someone who’s also working to shift their skills or passions into their own business or even coaching business?
Natasha Leath: Find what your niche is. Everybody’s a life coach. So I rebranded, by the way, so my title is celebrity intuitive life strategist. I’m no longer a life coach, right? Because I don’t need to coach you through your life. You have to coach yourself through your life. You have your own responsibilities, you have things you need to do, and if you don’t do the work, then it doesn’t get done. I can support you with the strategy. I can give you the strategy, the insight, and the things that you need to do, but you have to do it, and that’s why in my bio, it says I read your past, your present, and the possibility of your future because, at the end of the day, you have your own will. People need to coach themselves, but you can support someone by strategizing and giving insight and leaving the will up to them because if they really want to do it, they have to do it.
[Editor’s note: This interview has been edited for length and clarity.]