Trying Times: 12 Positive Affirmations For Overcoming Challenges In A Busy World

Source: Pexels

Aug. 5 2024, Published 8:00 a.m. ET

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Affirmations are a great way to reprogram your idea of yourself. They offer a bridge to help you transition from one idea or reality about yourself to another. They can be instrumental when you’re feeling overwhelmed by perceived demands on your time and energy. These positive affirmations for overcoming challenges can help you reframe your situation and feel empowered as you move to the other side of your difficulties.

Positive Affirmations for Overcoming Challenges

When you feel torn and off course because of work, relationships, or personal growth, affirmations can help you remember who you are and what direction you need to take.

1. I will get through this.

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Source: Pexels

While this situation is stressful, it won’t last forever. You can reference situations in your past that were also tricky, but you made it through. 

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2. I’m focusing on what I can control and doing my best to release the rest.

Accepting circumstances and letting go can be difficult. It’s a choice you have to make repeatedly. This affirmation helps you refocus your attention and acknowledge that effort is involved in changing how you feel and deal with things.

3. I welcome the help I deserve.

If you have chronically worn a cape, feeling safe enough to put it down is a process. Asking for help can be challenging for many reasons. Perhaps you’ve been let down, or someone doesn’t go all in to help like you would. Nevertheless, no one gets anywhere alone. How can you explore through small or specific requests to receive the help you need?

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4. I am choosing healthier ways to cope.

Do you reach for food or a TV series or hide under your covers for weeks when things get heavy? It’s understandable to want to soothe yourself or check out from what’s happening, but you recognize that there are other ways to deal with your feelings. You could commit to journaling your feelings on paper or through voice notes. In addition, you could try taking a regular short walk, even when you don’t feel like it, to move your body and get out of your head.

5. I recognize that I’m not alone.

It can be tempting to believe that you alone are dealing with tough times, but that isn’t true. Recognizing where you have support, even from strangers, can help you not isolate yourself and feel the weight of this chapter of your life.

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6. I let myself rest because my body and mind need to rest and recharge.

Rest is crucial for handling the many moving pieces of the modern world. And rest isn’t just sleep. Psychology Today outlines the seven types of rest we all need to be more well-rounded.

7. I give myself more room to manage my daily tasks.

When things are hectic and stressful, understanding that you need more time for some things will help you not expect the best out of yourself in the worst times. It’s impossible to have the same output every day; you are not a robot. This is an excellent reminder that some days, you need more space.

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8. It’s OK for me to feel all of my feelings.

Change is hard, even if it’s a “good” change. Our brains are wired to choose safety, even when safety is hurtful. Fear is a natural part of the journey. Honoring all of your emotions not only helps you accept them, but it also helps you transform them.

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Source: Pexels
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9. Any step forward I take is progress.

No matter how small the step, noting your actions toward addressing present issues is vital. Whether or not your steps offer a resolution will be the key to seeing that change is possible.

10. Taking action helps me create change.

It’s easy to get stuck and freeze when it comes time to make good on your promises to yourself. By taking action, you give yourself something to believe in. You allow yourself to embrace your passions with attention and energy.

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11. I’m allowed to take breaks.

You can slow down because it’s natural to ebb and flow. You can even stop for a time. But it’s important to get back up, whether that’s getting a promotion, a new job, your personal goals, or relationships. Take a break, but don’t quit working towards what you deserve. 

12. I deserve what I want, and what I want is possible.

It sounds simple enough, but sometimes, we don’t think certain things are for us, as though our desires have to be justified. What if you freed yourself to go after the things big and small that call to you? If we always tell ourselves “no” first, we’ll never know what our lives can offer us.

These are just a few positive affirmations for overcoming challenges you can incorporate into your day-to-day life. Remember to use the present tense when writing your affirmations to make them more real and add visualization to help bring change to life.

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By: Wanda Duncan

Wanda Duncan is a multipotentialite entrepreneur and travel, wellness, and LGBTQ writer. She’s slow traveled since 2010 through Europe, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa and Central America. Find her work in Fodor’s Travel, Her Agenda, The Black Wall Street Times, Love B. Scott, and WeTravel. Wanda is the founder of Black Women Travel and won the Women in Travel Summit 2023 Bessie Awards Social Impact Award and was nominated for the 2021 Trailblazer Award. Connect with Wanda through her website

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