5 Reddit-Approved Postpartum Gifts For New Parents

The millennial baby boom is near, according to experts. But before you send flowers, be warned that new parents aren’t looking forward to another thing to care for. Here are five Reddit-approved postpartum gifts to add to your holiday shopping list.
Shop From The Baby Registry
It’s not uncommon for new parents to have a closet full of clothes their newborn will never wear or bulky baby items they’ll never unbox. Always start with the baby registry. These items are boring to buy and not glamorous, which makes them easy to overlook. A study has shown that an adequate supply of diapers may prove a tangible way of reducing parenting stress. Diapers and wipes will always hold a special place in your new parent’s heart. Target offers a list of top baby registry items if your new parent doesn’t have one.

Meal Delivery
Getting sleep, a meal, and a shower becomes complicated during postpartum. As simple as it seems, new parents struggle to make time for these three things the most. With the added responsibility of adjusting to a newborn and fluctuating hormones, you produce the perfect storm of conditions for postpartum depression. One in eight new moms will experience symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety. Many new parents are unprepared for how much energy they’ll use to think about what to eat every day. Meal delivery kits like Hello Fresh prevent new parents from worrying about what to eat for a few days.
New parents have their hands full. One-handed snacks are another great food choice. The Boobie Bar is a top-selling lactation bar and offers auto-ship options with multiple boxes.
Nursing Bras Created For Sleep
My experience with breastfeeding four babies found nursing bras to have too many layers of fabric, making them hot and painful to sleep in. Breastfeeding moms need comfort and support at night, too. Nighttime nursing sessions are made easier with nursing bras like the Medela Nursing Sleep Bra, crafted with comfort in mind. Uneven breasts during breastfeeding are common – a problem rarely addressed in standard nursing bras. When preparing to welcome a baby, new mothers overlook how to best care for themselves.
Air Purifiers For Sensitive Noses
According to the CDC, indoor air pollutants may be two to five times higher than outdoor air. Gas ranges, building materials, and tobacco smoke contribute to poor indoor air quality, impacting a newborn. A proper filtration system will significantly support the health and wellness of your new parents. With over 47K ratings, calling The Levoit air purifier effective and appreciated is safe.

One-Click Water Bottles
Dehydration can lead to increased fatigue and a lack of energy for sleep-deprived parents. Add staying hydrated to the ever-growing list of responsibilities of a newborn, and you understand why it’s a challenge. Most water bottles require you to use both hands to open – a barrier to hydration for a new parent. One-click water bottles allow them to carry a restless baby while reaching their daily hydration needs without an issue.
Zip-Up Pajamas
Babies blow out their diapers often. New parents may not realize how their cute little kicks can lead to a messy diaper change. Changing diapers without disrupting sleep can be tricky. Zip-up pajamas allow you to get them out of clothes quickly. They also allow new parents to check for diaper changes without unbuttoning the outfit. Keep in mind brands for babies with sensitive skin and eczema. If you want to buy clothing, consider purchasing zip-up pajamas for future sizes like 12 months.
Shop With New Parents’ Needs In Mind
Consider their mental and emotional state if you want to find a postpartum gift for a new parent. Having a baby is like most ventures: you don’t know what you don’t know until you’re in the trenches. Using some of these suggestions can make life a little easier for them.