This Is How To Survive The Office Christmas Party
There is nothing quite like the office Christmas party: alcohol, anxiety, and awkwardness fill the air as your drink suspect ‘rum punch’ and mingle with people from accounts while eating a defrosted prawn ring. But, while the Christmas party is there to be enjoyed, it’s also wise to be mindful.
There are ways that you can survive the office Christmas party and come out with your dignity, reputation, and career intact.
Most of Top Life Coach Carole Ann Rice’s work focuses on making people be the best versions of themselves. Here, she shares with YCB the 5 ways to survive the office Christmas party…
Be prepared
While this may be a social occasion, it’s also happening in your place of work, so it’s important that you treat it as a professional environment. Limit yourself to a set amount of drinks and make sure that you know how you’re getting home.
Be respectful
We spend a lot of our day at work and with the people in our office, so try not to make any enemies while at the Christmas party. If you do hear people gossiping about one of your colleagues, stay out of the conversation or change the subject. By the same token, don’t act bolshie, start swearing or telling inappropriate jokes, it’s not going to go down well with management and you could end up ostracising yourself.
Dress professionally
It may be a night out, but it’s best to tone it down when it comes to your outfit for the evening. Wearing revealing dresses, short skirts or trashy clothing will send out the wrong message to your managers and colleagues. Remember, you want your superiors to remember you for professional skills and not your fishnets.
Keep away from romance
If you do find yourself taking an interest in someone in the office, don’t let on and, even more importantly, do not act on it! Some companies operate a strict no-fraternization policy and you don’t want to end up on costing yourself your career for a kiss.
For all the perils that come with an office Christmas party, they also offer a great avenue for networking and making new friends. By introducing yourself to people from other departments, you can make new acquaintances and gain insider information that may give you a competitive edge when it comes to going for a new role.