Top 5 Ways To Go From Living Check-To-Check To Financially Free



Sept. 27 2024, Published 8:00 a.m. ET

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Living paycheck to paycheck is exhausting, and if you’re ready to get off that never-ending hamster wheel, it’s time to switch things up. Whether you’re a seasoned business owner or juggling work and home life, here’s how to break the cycle, save smarter and make your money work for you.

1. Know Your Cash Flow Inside And Out

First things first — you need to know where your money’s going. Pull out and evaluate your bank statements and credit card bills. Even that $5 latte habit is part of your expenses.

Track your spending for a few weeks and categorize it — you could include food, bills, subscriptions and random late-night online sprees. Once you know where your money’s going, you can determine how to best spend and save it. It’s slightly tedious but worth it once you see those extra dollars add up.

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2. Set Clear Financial Goals

What does financial freedom look like for you? Maybe it’s having six months of expenses saved up or finally paying off that mountain of student debt. Whatever it is, write it down. A study by Dominican University found those who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them.

3. Create A Budget That Works For You

Now that you know where your money’s going and where you want it to go, it’s time to make a plan. Having a realistic budget helps guide your spending to put you on track to achieving your set goals.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to budgeting. You might have to experiment until you find what works for you and stick with it. The top three choices include the following:

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  • The zero-sum budgeting technique says you allocate every dollar you own to a purpose, so you remain with zero dollars by the time you get to your next paycheck. Nothing goes to waste.
  • The 50/30/20 budget is popular for a reason. This system lets you delegate 30% of your income to fun stuff, while 50% goes to essentials and 20% to savings and debt clearance.
  • The envelope system is great if you prefer physical cash within reach. In this traditional method, you set your spending limits by putting money into envelopes designated for each category.
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Your budget isn’t a “set it and forget it” kind of thing. Review it every month and let it reflect all shifts in your financial situation. Whether you’ve recently come into some inheritance, got a raise or even lost your job, tweak your budget as needed to stay on track and keep your financial goals in focus.

4. Level Up Your Income

Sometimes, you need to do more than cut back expenses. There’s no better time to flex those entrepreneurial muscles and bring in extra cash than now.

One-third of women in the U.S. have a side hustle, and there’s no reason you can’t contribute to increasing this number. Whether freelancing in your field or selling homemade crafts, find ways to diversify your income streams. Every extra dollar gets you closer to financial freedom.

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5. Build An Emergency Fund

Life loves to throw curveballs, whether it’s your car breaking down, an unexpected utility repair or a surprise kid’s dental bill. Don’t be caught off guard. A good rule of thumb is accumulating at least three months of living costs in a high-interest savings account.

Start with a small amount, stash it in an account and keep it out of sight so it’s out of mind. Consider automating the process for convenience. Once you hit your starter goal, keep building toward a three- to six-month cushion. You’ll breathe easier knowing you’ve got a safety net.

Transform Your Money Habits For Financial Freedom

Kicking the paycheck-to-paycheck lifestyle doesn’t mean giving up everything you love. It’s about making smart choices, being intentional with your money and giving yourself room to thrive. Stick with these tips and you’ll be on your way to financial freedom faster than you think.

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By: Mia Barnes

Mia Barnes is a health journalist with over 3+ years of experience specializing in workplace wellness. Mia believes knowledge is power. As the Editor-in-Chief of Body+Mind Magazine, Mia's goal is to cover relevant topics to empower women through information.

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