How To Radically Transform Your Work Life To Find Joy

Many people have that one friend who talks about their job and how much fun they’re having. It can be quite an anomaly for some people, but finding joy as a full-time employee is possible. Here’s a guide on radically transforming this part of your life and achieving fulfillment.
Is It Possible To Be Happy While At Work?
Work is a stressful environment that can inhibit finding joy, depending on the field. According to Pew Research Center, 31% of women in America say their job is stressful, while 24% think it’s overwhelming all or most of the time. However, about half of all workers also say they’re extremely or very satisfied with their work overall.
Finding joy may be difficult at times, especially when going through stressful situations in your personal life. There are also situational cases, like when you’re adjusting to work after college or joining a new workplace. Transitioning to a new chapter of your life can always shake things up. However, as time passes and you allow yourself to settle in, you can be happier at work.

Tips To Achieve Joy In Your Work Life
Finding happiness in your work life is heavily dependent on several factors, from your mindset to your reactions to your overall well-being. Here are the tips to transform these facets.
1. Change your mindset
Mindset is always a vital factor in finding joy. Today’s generation loves to promote hustle culture and make as much money as possible, claiming it is the ultimate way to be happy. While good pay is refreshing, this can often result in working too hard at your expense.
Yale University psychology professor Laurie Santos agrees, believing there’s more to happiness than a full bank account. “We have an intuition [that] I’m going to earn a million dollars, and I’ll be happy. Then you hustle, you get there and you’re not happy,” she remarks.
“You think, ‘I’ve got to hustle more … Now I need $5 million to [be happy].’ That hustle culture misconception winds up doubling down on itself.” Thus, the first step is acknowledging that overworking yourself is a setback from finding joy.
2. Regulate work
After evaluating and changing your mindset to avoid hustling, it’s time to put it into practice. Try to set clear boundaries between your personal and work life. Have clear working hours so you know when to log in and stay productive. Use it as a reference to know when to clock out as well.
Regarding workload, only take on the projects you know you can handle. About 84% of Gen X and 74% of millennials experience burnout, which can lead to fatigue and irritability. Learn to communicate with your manager so you don’t put your joy at risk.

3. Fulfill necessities
Being sleep-deprived with an empty stomach can make it difficult to enjoy your job or even work at all. Make sure to take care of your physical and emotional well-being. Block out time to get a good night’s rest, meal prep so you have healthy food daily and set alarms to hydrate.
4. Celebrate others
People may find it hard to enjoy their job if they put endless pressure on themselves and pit their work against workmates. You need to learn to let go of comparison tendencies, as they can have adverse effects on your mental health.
Practice kindness. If someone gets an award at the office, learn to congratulate them genuinely. Be happy about their achievements and foster those relationships instead.
5. Reward in moderation
Rewarding yourself for finishing up work or completing a big project can be gratifying. However, it’s best to moderate these treats. Regulating prizes makes sure you steer clear of any financial troubles. It also helps you avoid putting a price on your accomplishments.
6. Think of a goal
Making money from your work is an understandable objective. However, you need to ask yourself what your goals are beyond that. As a doctor, do you want to save as many patients as possible? As a teacher, do you want to help kids reach their dreams? Having an aim can create a sense of meaning that keeps you going.
Experience Fulfillment While Working
Your job can be a source of joy when you shift your mindset and take care of yourself. Follow the self-improvement tips above and put yourself first. Fulfillment in your work life will surely follow.